Chapter 10

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-Day 9
(Carter Honeycutt)

    Waking up to the continuous sound of thump... thump... thump... To the side of me, Adrian handles firmly, a handful of oddly shaped knives at one of the trees that separate the outline between sand and forest. I let out a strained groan, "What are you doing?"

    "Learning the ways of the knife, sweetie." He says to me, nonchalantly, not even bothering to turn around and look at me. " You should start learning to master something, with all this free time. Or you know, send hours fixing your over dyed hair at every moment you have." Adrian simply just looks at his reflection in the glistening blade as he burrows it into the thick palm tree. Jannette and Esmeralda join my pain o waking up to the annoying noise of the psychopath trying to murder a tree with some cutlery.

    "He's right, you know." Eugene joins in. "Maybe you pretty ones should take into cooking for us, ain't that right Adrian?" With an obviously forced laugh and a desperate elbow nudge to Adriana side, all of us, even Adrian stay silent.

    "I find it odd you would expect a laugh from a joke like that when you're saying it to mostly women." Esmerelda snaps back, storming off to the boulder that basks in the shallow waters.

    "So," Jannette begins. "We should probably start moving now, instead of wasting daylight."

    "Why's that? I mean I'm pretty pleased where we are now. I mean look at that beautiful peninsula! Beautiful vie and even a good pond we can make for fish if we were to close the whole thing off!" Eugene gestures the arched natural landform of the sandbar that leads into the blue ocean, then curves back, nearly touching another part of the shore. He slides his right arm around Jannete's shoulder, with Jannette struggling to move out of his grasp, but she was too weak. "Just think Jenny-"

    "My name's Jannette, and I'll have one of us killed before you even try another move on me!" Annette barks back at Eugene aggressively, ready to snap. I draw myself closer to her just in case she decides to attack him, so she doesn't get herself killed.

    "What, you mean like this sweetheart?"Eugene tries to poke her near her shoulder area, with her dodging immediately. Eugene lets out a belly laugh, revealing his nasty teeth, and of course, his infamously known silver tooth.

    I jump from the sudden flashing silver that jumps across my vision, and leads directly to my neck. " I can poke you a good bit with this," Adriana familiar voice whispers, in an almost seductive voice, " sharp, freshly cut, cutting edge, blade." He inhales slowly, but deeply. I poorly attempt to move away, but as I struggle more, the harder he keeps me still, and the closer, the knife gravitates towards my neck. "Uh uh, missy, don't move too much. You just might have me.."he gradually pulls his voice closer and closer to my ear, and his last words gave me a terrified sensation, every hair on my body sticks"...slip up." I can't see him, but I know right now, I can almost hear his muscles stretch, as his wide mouth begins to form a sneer grin of pure snide. "Relax!" He says, at a now normal and playful volume. "It's just a joke." He lets me free and my first thought was to drop to my knees. I felt like there wasn't anything else I could do. I was so startled by the moment, the only functioning thing my brain could tell me was to drop. Eugene look down at me, amused by my obvious trauma.

    "How many days you think this one's gonna last?" Eugene asks Adrian, referring to me.

    "Eh, give her about seven days. Three hours if she ever ends up alone." Adrian responds.

    "Don't worry, my little princess, I'll keep you alive longer than that, under my protection of course." He tells me, offering a hand, which I reject as assertively as possible as I hoist myself off the ground, and and join Esmerelda near the large boulder.

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