Chapter 23

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-Night 18
(Marylin Garnell)

I don't require much. I'm not a needy person. I don't need reliability from people, I don't need moral support, and I don't need a shoulder to cry on, unlike Elliette, surprisingly, and I don't even need the people that I left behind before volunteering to be placed on this island. The only one thing I require to function the next day is sleep and it looks like I'm not getting much of that tonight. The uproar of hype for Elliette and Kandel's situation has been given much more attention than needed. Considering all of the shit  on this island such as psychopaths, harsh weather, and mutant bugs creeping in the dark, I think we have bigger things to worry about other than heat exhaustion and a missing persons. As cold-hearted as it sounds, Kandel is only one person, and we are lucky to have as many as we do. Nobody would listen to my ideas though. Too far fetched and cold. Besides, if I opened my mouth too much, I just might accidentally slip out some information that they aren't supposed to know, nor should I know. If I said what I knew, this tribe of paranoid freaks would gang up on me, doing who knows what to extract information.

All the way from my sleeping bag, that happens to be at the opposing campfire of Elliette, I can hear all that went down. Might as well pretend that I'm concerned. I think to myself before getting back up and inching my way into the crowd of people that listen to Elliette attentively as she obviously tries holding back a panic attack. "Then I ran. I had to run! They we're gonna take me too! Maybe even kill me since I wasn't as gullible!  I just wish," she pauses to gain her composure again. "I wish I could've saved them. The little girl, Jaydon, K-Kandel!" The remnants of composure she swept up just before has now seeped deep into the ground and she breaks down in tears and hiccups.

Jackie comforts her, with a hand on each shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay. There was nothing you could have done, it's not your fault at all." Jackie tries calming her down but doesn't seem to help her.

"It's not guaranteed she's dead. They could just have her there, ya know?" I let escape from my lips. One side of me said, don't get involved! Give them no reason to stare! You'll end up rambling on! But another side told me different. Say something! Let them know you an sympathize! Keep everyone on some social platform with you! It was my most feared outcome to have happened too if I we're to speak: everyone stares at me. I was done speaking, but now I had to say something else. I can't leave on such an awkward note. "She can be with them, just like, as a member. Not a hostage. She wouldn't know the difference probably." Stop rambling you imbecile!  I rail harshly to myself. I receive a mix emotions of nasty looks and nodding heads.

"Alright everyone. We had a long day today. You need your rest for the next day, also going to be a long day." Garret announces, dismissing everyone with the exception of Jackie, Ollie, Jerome and himself. I rally back to my campfire, in which it's encircled by La'Shawna, Barry, Javier, Bernie, Grace and me.

My bag is next to La'Shawna's. I hear yet again the familiar hiccups of sobbing. It's her this time though. Putting on the mask of social acceptance is an exhausting thing, and once again I feel obligate to comfort someone else, at least to the best of my abilities. I'd much find a physical obstacle much more enjoyable. Maybe climbing a mountain or killing a night crawling dragonfly. "You okay La'Shawna?" I ask, not in the most sympathetic tone.

"Yeah I'm okay sweetie." She says through a series of sniffles.

Good, great! She says she's fine, I did my job! You can go to sleep now Mary. The smart side of me tells me. The other smart side argues back though. She's not really okay! She's just saying that! Talk to her! And yet again, my I preferred side wins me over. " No really, what's wrong? You can talk to me if you need to." DAMMIT!

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