Ev ~ 1

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The energy around me flowed through me, in me, pulsing through my veins, until I was pulled into the current, too. The music was so loud I could feel the bass echo through the ground, tickling the bottoms of my feet. It was so loud I could hardly think. I willed it to grow louder. Thinking wasn't something I wanted to be doing right now. The lights faded in and out, giving me a headache, and even closing my eyes didn't help much.

For a moment, I was so focused on trying not to think that I forgot where I was, what I was doing, so I jumped when hands wrapped around my stomach, pulling me against a sweaty chest.

He laughed in my ear, and I calmed down, relaxing into him. "Scare you, did I?" He spoke in German.

I didn't answer, I just moved my hips to the beat and wrapped my arms around him like a vine. I turned to face him, suddenly tired of putting it off for so long.

"Take me home." I spoke into his ear, biting it as I pulled away.

When I looked back at him, his eyes were dark, his pupils dilated. My heart hammered inside my chest.

Without needing another cue, he took my hand and led me through the crowd, the night club suddenly forgotten.

We drove back to his place in his Audi, and while we were at a stoplight, I pulled out my phone.

"Who are you texting?" He asked me, his eyes scanning the bright screen of my phone.

I looked over at him, my hand drawing small circles on his thigh. I gave him a smile, batting my eyelashes, "Don't worry about it, babe."

Once the light turned green, I drew my hand back and looked back down at the phone.

Pick me up in an hour? I texted my best friend.

His reply came back in less than a minute. Where?

Outside Baldwin's. I responded.

That's why you're my friend. Cuz the only one craving pizza at one in the morning besides me is you. He said.

I closed my phone, not bothering to reply, and put it back in my pocket.

"Oh, no." Alarick--at, I thought his name was Alarick--sighed as he shut off the car.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"My wife's home." He whispered, his face a look of complete dread. I followed his eyes to see the window beside the door shining with light behind closed curtains.

I patted his chest, playing with the hem of his shirt. "Don't worry about it, babe." Then, I leaned in to whisper in his ear, and wasn't surprised when he didn't move as I got out of the car. The words I whispered should only stun him for a few moments, but that was the only head start I needed.

I rang the doorbell, and as soon as Alarick slammed the door to his car behind him, yelling at me as quietly as possible for not going around the back, the front door opened. A middle-aged lady with pixie-cut blonde hair and sparkling green eyes opened the door.

"I just came here to tell you," I began, "that your husband is currently cheating on you. He took me home in the attempt to hook up with me. I had no intention of doing it, you see, but I really think you two should discuss your marriage before you let him go out to a nightclub and hook up with an underage girl." I gave her a wink, and stayed just long enough to watch the words sink in before I ran, leaving a stunned husband and an angry wife behind me.


By 12:56 I was outside of the pizza restaurant. Kai was already there, waiting for me. His tall, lean frame leaned against the wall of the building, his arms crossed over his chest and his foot pressed up against the wall. He blended in with the shadows in a way that wasn't common for humans, but I had always told myself it was just his secret talent.

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