Ev ~ 15

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WARNING: this chapter contains reference of torture and excruciating physical pain. Read at your own risk.

I had forgotten what the sunlight felt like, how blinding it was, brightening up everything until the land disappeared in the horizon. I was so happy to see it again that for a second I didn't care if it was just an illusion, or a hallucination, or if I was about to tortured again. I closed my eyes again, letting the light from the window light up my face. It was strange to see anything other than darkness and blood--lots and lots of blood.

But like everything else, that moment of peace had to pass. As the happiness faded, fear took its place. Where was I?

I opened my eyes and turned on my side. I was in a place I didn't recognize, that much was for sure. I was lying on a long black leather couch in a small, neat living room. There was a bookshelf across from the open window, stacked neatly with books. From the looks of it, the paperbacks were on separate shelves than the hardcovers. There was a small fireplace in front of the couch I occupied, and a low table in front of me, a soft rug underneath it. Behind the living room was a small kitchen, nothing out of place. The sink was empty and shining with cleanliness, the floor noticeably clean. Panic that could only come from waking in a strangers' home set in and I stood up, trying to find a way out. There was a door by the kitchen, but two men stood in front of it. Up until now, they hadn't noticed me. But once I stood up, I caught their attention. I recognized neither one of them. One of them, the one closest to the door, had dark brown hair with eyes to match. The curve of his mouth was pulled up in a smirk, his eyebrows knitting together. He was tall, thin but still sculpted with obvious muscle, and had ivory skin, lighter than mine. He was perfectly average, but there was something about the way he looked mixed with how he held himself that gave away he knew how attractive he was. The man he was talking to had white hair--not platinum blond, but white hair--with something sticking out of his head. They were too small to see. His skin, and I made myself double check, was green. I must have hit my head on something hard.

They walked over to me.

"You're awake." Said the green-skinned man. Now that he was closer to me, I could see that the things poking out of his head were horns. I clearly was hallucinating again.

"Who are you?" What if these were my kidnappers? Though I imagined them differently, it was a possibility. But why had they brought me here? Maybe they were done with me and planned to throw me out the window.

"You don't remember me, niña?" The brown eyed male asked.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled, but the name brought a memory to mind. It was too faint, though, and there was only darkness in the memory. "If you're going to kill me then just get it over with." I wanted to run, but I know they would catch me, and I know I would be whipped for it.

The men exchanged a look. The horned man said, "We're not going to kill you. We rescued you. My name is Ragnor Fell--we've met before. You don't remember me?"

"I've never met anyone like you!" I cried. They weren't my kidnappers. I was obviously still in danger, but maybe these men wouldn't whip me if I ran.

Confusion crossed over his face before realization replaced it. "You don't remember... Do you know your name?"

"Of course I do. That's a stupid question." I told him.

"What is it?" He asked, looking like he was bracing himself for something.

"I..." I racked my brain, but I couldn't come up with anything. What kind of person had to think of their own name? What kind of person couldn't remember it? Oh my god, what did these people do to me?

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