Ev ~ 28

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The thing about physical pain is that it's so much easier to bear than any other kind of pain. The demon poison, though it stung and burned as it ate away at my body, was a relief to feel. It was a distraction, one strong enough that it took my mind off of Lizzie, even for a little bit.

I wasn't really aware of what was going on around me. Everyone was moving too fast, their voices blurring together. I remember Lizzie sitting next to me, holding my hand in hers as it grew numb, and I remember hearing Alec's voice, loud and angry, and Jace's far behind me, and Raphael's beside me.

And then suddenly someone was pressing their wrist to my lips, and blood was filling my mouth.

At first, I didn't want to be healed. It meant coming back to the real world. It meant having to face Lizzie, having to find a way to make her accept herself as a vampire when I couldn't. It meant remembering how far away I was from home, from Kai, from Warner.

But then I tasted the blood, and—though I hated to admit it—it was addicting. The taste lit my tastebuds on fire, sending me to cloud nine. And without knowing how I knew, I could tell without a doubt that it was Raphael's blood I was drinking. After the first swallow,  I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled it closer to my lips, wanting—needing more.

And then suddenly I wasn't on the beach by the boat anymore.

The moon illuminated my bedroom as I walked in. It was exactly as I remembered it—a messy queen-sized bed in the corner; a tall bookshelf stacked high with books on demons and geography and foreign languages; a closet on the other side of the room, stuffed with pants I didn't bother to fold and shirts I forgot to hang up; and the green hills that separated Germany and Idris outside my window.

And there he stood in the middle of it all, his back to me. He wore a black leather jacket, even though his body temperature never changed. His hair was messy, and yet it looked as good as it always did. I was suddenly aware of how far away he stood, and how desperately I wanted to close the distance between us.

"Raphael." I gasped.

He turned around, his eyes taking me in. They roamed my body in a way that made me blush.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered, trying to keep my voice neutral.

He his lips tugged up into a smile, his eyes darkening in a way that made the room grow ten degrees hotter. "Waiting for you."

I took a step towards him. "Why were you waiting for me?"

"Because I had to be near you." He told me as if it were obvious. "I hate being a vampire. I know it will never be good enough for you. So I'm going to the Clave and asking to become a Shadowhunter."

A part of me knew it was impossible, but the other part of me didn't care. The fact that he was saying the words was enough.

"And when I become a Shadowhunter, I'm going to ask you to become my parabatai." He continued. He took a step towards me. He stood close enough to brush his fingers across my cheek. "The only problem is, I won't be able to do this." And then he kissed me.

It was fiercer than I imagined it would be. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him until we were chest to chest. My heart began to speed up, beating so fast I thought it would burst, and I wondered if his would have beat as fast, too, if his still beat. His lips parted from my lips, and I moaned before I could stop myself. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as his lips moved down my jaw, down my neck, stopping just above my collarbone.

"Raphael..." I gasped, my eyes closing in pleasure.

He moved backwards, pulling me along with him, until he fell onto the bed. I landed on top of him, cupping his face in my hands and pulling his lips back onto mine. Never had I felt so desperate to have someone so close. I was impatient, wanting him to kiss every part of me.

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