Alec ~ 4

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I was shaken awake right as the sun began to shine over the city the next morning. Yawning, I opened my eyes to see Magnus standing over me. I sat up, having no idea where I was or how I got here. I was on Magnus's couch in his living room, with a blanket thrown over my legs and a pillow under my neck. Dirty plates were on the low coffee table beside me. Memories of last night came rushing back: Magnus burning the dinner, ordering Chinese food, watching eighties movies until my eyes couldn't stay open any longer.

"What time is it?" I asked Magnus, my voice raspy from misuse.

"About six thirty." Magnus answered calmly.

"Crap." I muttered under my breath, standing up.

"Is there somewhere you need to be?" He wondered.

"The institute." I answered, looking around for my shoes. "That girl you were talking about yesterday--Eva Something--she's staying with us. My mother will probably expect a welcoming party."

"Eveline Carstairs is coming today? I didn't realize." Magnus commented, almost to himself.

"Have you seen my shoes?" I asked, panicked. The room was getting brighter by the second, and if anyone noticed I wasn't at the institute...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Magnus smile. "You're already wearing them, Alexander."

I looked down at my feet. Too anxious to be embarrassed, I sighed in relief. "I have to go. I'm sorry... Thanks for last night. I needed a break from all the Jace-Clary drama."

Magnus caught my eye, refusing to let me look away. "I understand. I'll see you when I see you." The words were nonchalant, but there was something in his voice that sounded almost like... disappointment.

I didn't let myself look back as I let myself out of his apartment, barely missing the head of Chairman Meow as I stepped out onto the road.


"I refuse to believe it."

"If you were better than her, then how come you didn't grow up in Idris?"

Jace opened his mouth, then closed it again. "I still refuse to believe it."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll fight her if you want. As soon as she gets here. You can make the calls." He suggested.

I laughed. "I'm going to decline that offer."

The elevator stopped, and before Jace could respond, the doors opened, revealing Izzy on the other side, standing right next to our mom, who didn't look too happy to see us.

"Mother!" I exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. When she couldn't see, I looked over at Izzy.

What's she mad about? I mouthed at my sister.

You were supposed to be here five minutes ago. She mouthed back.

Dread exploded inside of me, like a fire cracker dropping down into my stomach.

I pulled away from my mom and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for the delay."

Without acknowledging my apology, she turned around and began walking towards the entrance to the institute, giving us no choice but to fall into step behind her.

"It's not considerate to make the guest wait for you." My mom said. "It's not giving us a good first impression, either."

Jace and I exchanged a glance. The only reason she cared so much about keeping up appearances was because the new girl was an Elite. If she was any normal Shadowhunter, my mom wouldn't bat an eye in her direction. She would still let the girl stay here, but she wouldn't go to all the trouble that she is now, like making us all wear our best clothing.

Izzy wore a long, skintight dress that went down to her knees, black to blend in with her hair, which was pulled back in a tight bun. Jace wore a black sweater and the only pair of jeans he owned that didn't have holes in them. My mom wore a dress similar to Izzy's, except hers was royal blue. I wore an outfit identical to Jace's.

When we turned the next corner, the four of us stopped. There was a girl standing right in front of the doorway, bending down and talking to Max. I was surprised to find myself protective of Max. I didn't want that stranger next to him. I didn't want her making him laugh and having a long conversation with him, not when I didn't bother to give him the same kind of attention.

"Eveline Carstairs?" My mom asked.

The girl looked up, and upon seeing us, stood up and walked over to us, Max at her side. He trudged a little behind her, struggling to carry a large black bag. He looked amusing trying to carry it when it was practically the same size as him.

Eveline was tall and perhaps the skinniest girl i'd ever seen, even skinnier than Clary. She had thick, curling hair that fell down to her waist. It was light auburn, with the ends died a brighter red. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown, her nose long, and her lips pink. Her skin was fair, and I imagined, if she was my type, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of her. Her beauty, like everything else about her, from the way she walked and stood to the way her eyes took in everything while looking at nothing, made her feel like a weapon in human form.

She held my stare, giving me a weird look. "Kai?" She said, but with her thick European accent, it was hard to tell if that was what she had actually said.

I glanced at Izzy and Jace, but they looked just as clueless as me.

"She likes to be called Ev." Max said in his small voice, looking at my mom.

"Max." My mom scolded.

The girl's eyes widened slightly, watching the look my mom gave my brother. "No, it's absolutely alright. I don't mind him speaking on my behalf. Especially when he tried so hard to guard the door. He's a brave young Shadowhunter, very promising." She added the last part while looking down at him, smiling at him like he was her own flesh and blood.

"Guard the door?" My mom repeated. "Did he try to kick you out?"

"Only when he thought I was a demon of some sort." She explained. "As soon as he learned who I was he let me in." Eveline took a step forward, extending her hand to my mom. "It's lovely to meet you. I'd introduce myself, but it seems you already know who I am."

My mom smiled and... blushed? Ugh. She was terrible at resisting flattery. "Hello, Eveline. I'm Maryse Lightwood."

"Oh, please just call me Ev." She suggested.

My mom nodded, then turned to us. "This is my son, Alec, and my daughter, Isabelle. And this is Jace Morgenstern--"

At the sound of Jace's last name, Ev's eyes slightly widened. So everyone in Idris knew about Valentine's son, too, then?

"I'm so glad to meet you all." She said, taking the time to look each of us in the eye. She looked back at my mom. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here."

"Of course." My mom said it like Ev was ridiculous to think otherwise. "I am afraid I have Council business to return to, but I'm sure Alec or Isabelle or Jace would like to give you a tour of the place."

The girl nodded, watching as my mom walked away.

"Can I show you around?" Max asked, looking up at her.

She laughed. "I would like nothing more. I can carry my bag, though, if you like."

He shook his head. "I got it." He began walking off in the opposite direction of our mother, and Ev waited before following him.

"I'll come with." Izzy said.

Ev smiled at her, then looked at Jace and I.

"We have to train," we both said at once, then dashed for the elevator. At least we agreed on one thing: we didn't like Ev staying here, Elite or not.

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