I Hate Everything

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Anakin's POV

Many people I meet say I'm practically the definition of teenage angst. I personally believe there is a difference between "teenage angst" and just hating everything. Most teenagers have typical problems. No boyfriend, rich father bought them a Ferrari instead of a unicorn, Starbucks spelled their name wrong, etc. Me, I hate everything. I don't want to talk to anybody, I don't want to touch anybody, I don't want to see anybody. I've always been like that. My mom understands. She's just like me. If I didn't have to go to school, we would never leave the house. But, don't jump to conclusions. She's an amazing mother. I'm cared for. I'm fed. I have clothing and shelter. And we both agree that that is all I need. Friends are boring and overrated. She is the only friend I need.

*knock knock*

"Come on in, Mom" I said, even though the door is already half open.

"Hey sweetie, as sorry as I am to tell you this, school starts tomorrow. You can't stay up too late, alright?" She said in the sweetest tone possible.

"Got it Mom. Goodnight. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." She said quietly as she turned off the light and closed the door.

I slowly drifted off.

*The next morning*

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP YOU SLEEPYHEAD. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, GET OUTTA BED" Mom sang as she bursts into my room and flops down on my bed, crushing me in the process.


She sprang up. She was way too excited for my first day of school.

"Get ready. You have to leave in like half an hour. You're walking to school this year." She said, calming down a bit.

"Cool." I replied "Now get out."

"Fineeeeeeee." She groaned as she slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. I shook my head and got up.

*time skip*

I walked into the school. I've been at this high school three years, yet I still get nervous every time I walk in. I started towards my locker.

I got the worst locker ever. I got the locker right next to Padmé Amidala's. Fucking whore. I now have dirt on half the boys in this school after standing next to her for 5 minutes. And, apparently, Tatooine High School has a new student. I think his name is Obi-Wan or something like that.

Speak of the devil.

All the girls in the hallway froze. And I can see why.

God damn, he is hot.

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