Flaming Heterosexual

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Anakin's POV

After months of living with Obi-Wan, me and mom have discussed making the move permanent. Obi keeps insisting that he will leave as soon as he can, but me and Mom will never let him. We both agree he should stay. He helps around the house. He is a total neat freak. I swear, my house has never been more clean than it is now.

Me and Obi spend as much time together as possible. It's like an unspoken rule between us. If I find myself with some spare time, I will take Obi out somewhere. Like, not on a date or anything, cause in not gay, but just to chill.

So, on one of the rare moments that I wasn't with Obi, Padmé came up to talk to me. The whole time she was talking with me she was flirting. You know, running her hands through her hair, checking me out, that type of thing. And I realized that she is beautiful.

Her eyes are the exact color of Obi's hair.

But she's prettier.




I jumped. Oh yea. She was talking.


"Are you coming to my party? You can bring a plus one, if you want."

I'll bring Obi.

"Yea, sure" I said smiling at her "I'd love to."

"Awesome! I'll see you there" She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

Is that normal? Kissing people on the cheek every time you say goodbye? I'll have to try it on Obi sometime...

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