Hiding My Scars

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Obi-Wan's POV

I don't want to talk about what happened. Let's just say, shit went down. I have a black eye, and bruises all over me from when I "tripped" down the stairs. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is hiding the bruises and scars. I'm at a new school. I can't have people seeing them and thinking they're self harm scars. People would deem me a psychopath the minute they saw me. So I hid them.

Apparently hiding them was necessary, because the moment I walked in the door, all eyes were on me.

They're judging you

I didn't want to deal with this, so I went straight to my first class. Well, I tried to. I could not, for the life of me, find this class. So, I decided to trek back to the office and ask for help.

Pathetic. Can't even find a classroom by yourself.

The Secretary was totally cool with it. She showed me to the class, then gave me a map of the school. She was a sweet lady, surprisingly. Sadly, I didn't catch her name, but I definitely need to figure it out.

I walked in to the classroom. Once again, everybody looked at me. The teacher, Mr. Yoda (What kind of name is that?), was way too excited to see me. He pulled me to the front of the class.

"Tell us something about yourself, could you?

Oh god

" Well, my name is Obi-Wan , I'm 17 years old, I play the cello, and my favorite color is blue. " I said, awkwardly.

I skimmed the crowd one last time. There wasn't anybody too interesting. Except... Woah. How did I just now notice him? He's beautiful. And, of course, the only open seat was right next to him. I walked over and sat down. Immediately, I leaned over towards him.

"Hello." I said, as seductively as I could manage

"Hi." He said, blushing.

Sweet Lord I made him blush. I quite like that look on him.

"What's your name?" I asked, dropping my voice lower so Mr. Yoda wouldn't hear.

"Anakin." He muttered.

"Anakin" I repeated "It's cute" I said, winking at him.

"Flirting in my classroom, would you mind not, Obi-Wan?" Mr. Yoda laughed.

"Awww. But he's so pretty..." I said, as sarcastically as possible, just so everybody thought I was joking.

Everybody laughed.

It worked.

Yep. We wouldn't want people knowing what a fa-

Shut up, Qui-Gon

And, luckily, this time I didn't say it out loud.

*time skip*

Most of my classes have been uneventful so far. I figured out I have 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th period with Anakin. Right now, it's sixth period. Lunch time. Now, if only I knew where to sit.

Nobody will ever want to sit with you

Shut up, Qui

No thanks

Ignoring Qui-Gon, I made my way over to where Anakin was sitting. For some reason, he was sitting alone. I sat down across from him.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing over here, all alone?" I asked, smirking.

Surprisingly, Anakin look up at him and smirked back.

Damn he is hot.

"Well, I was saving a seat for you." He replied, patting his lap.


Thats when I made the decision. By the end of the school year...

Anakin will be mine.

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