Party Hard Bro

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Anakin's POV

I froze.

Obi-Wan Kenobi kissed him.

I quickly pushed Obi-Wan away from me.




"I'm sorry Anakin. I have failed you. I was supposed to be your friend. I'm so sorry Anakin, I took it to far."


"Anakin, you can't mean that. Remember? You were supposed to help me get on my feet, not leave me in darkness. You were supposed to be my friend. I chose you Anakin, you are special. I suppose this is my fault. I have failed you."


"I love you"

I couldn't handle it. Words cannot express my thoughts at this moment.

"I want you gone in the morning, Kenobi."

"I will be. Just can I ask one thing?"


"Please don't tell anybody."

I don't know what happened. I no longer had the strength to be mad at him. It wasn't his fault. I caused this.

"I won't tell."

*time skip*

I let Kenobi stay. He had nowhere else to go. After all I put him through, I won't do that to him. And it will hurt him even more when he finds out I'm dating Padmé.

I just arrived at her party. She ran up to me and kissed me.

She's a terrible kisser.

Nothing like Obi-Wan.

Not that that matters.

After a few movies and drinks (I didn't have any, Padmé's friends drank though...a lot) we decided to play some games.

The first game was never have I ever. Boring. Just questions about sex. I'm a virgin, so the game was pretty dull for me, but I did figure out that Padmé has slept with people since we've started dating. Once she's sober, I'm breaking up with her.

Throughout the whole party, I couldn't stop thinking of Obi. The kiss wasn't bad. I treated him terribly. I overreacted. The more I thought about this, the more I wanted to go home and apologize. And I think I'll do just that.

I went over to the bar and poured god-knows-what in a cup. I walked towards Padmé.

"I'm going home." I said, bluntly.

"Why?" She replied. She seemed sober enough to remember this. So I poured my drink over her head.

"Because you are a slut. Goodbye." I said as I walked towards the door

"ANAKIN, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART!" She screamed after me.

"Good." I replied, nonchalantly.

"YOU'LL NEVER FIND A GIRL BETTER THAN ME" She yelled after me, even though I had already left the house.

I started fast walking towards my home. Eventually, I broke into a sprint. I made it home in record time, and burst through the door. I thought I knew where he was. I made my way to the roof. I climbed the stairs and saw him, laying in the exact position he was on the night he confessed to me. I walked towards him.

"Obi." I said, my voice cracking.

He sat up. "Yes, Anakin?"

"No words can express how sorry I am. I was in denial. I was finally apart of the cool kids group, and they convinced me being gay was wrong. And I believed them. Stupidly. I overreacted and I'm so sorry Obi-Wan Kenobi. Could you ever forgive me?" I asked

"Anakin, I forgave you the second it happened" Obi muttered

"Obi, I love you too."

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