T/W: someone calls somebody else a rapist.
The One Where They Go To The Bar and Alex gets in a fight
Hamilton's POV
"Well then why would they call it a teddy bear!?" Me and Lafayette yelled in our heated discussion over a 'teddy bear'.
"Whatever. I'm not arguing about a stuffed bear... So Alex! You're the scholarship guy, right? What about your parents?"
"Uh-" And then as if on cue, someone knocked on my door, coming to the rescue.
John opened it and the girls from before came in and Peggy hugged him while Angelica and Eliza hugged Hercules, then they all looked at me.
"Oh! You're the guy from earlier! Sorry about that, you see we have this weird past. Oh, and you must be the French dude he was telling me about!".
Angelica proceeded to tell me about how terrible that that group was. Eliza kept scooting closer to me during her story, and I kept scooting away.
She gave me her phone number, and then texted me.
Eliza💃🏻: can we talk outside?
Hammy: sure!
"I uh-need to go to the bathroom..." I said awkwardly and walked out while Angelica looked at Eliza questionably and she mouthed something to her that looked like "I'll tell you later."."Uh... Me too!" And she ran out.
John's POV
We sat in awkward silence. "I'll go check to make sure they're not making out in the hallway." I said, and they laughed and Angelica went back to telling her story to Lafayette.
"Look... Eliza you're a great girl but... I-I.... Please promise me you won't tell anyone, okay?" She nodded. Should I leave?
"I-I'm gay... or bi at least, but I think I like guys more. " Wait, WHAT? Yes! Thank god! Some more homosexual in the mix!
All I had was Peggy, but nobody knows about that, but yes! He's even cute.
"Oh... Okay! John is gay too!" Oh my god Eliza, you can't just tell the new cute guy I'm gay.
I make myself visible and do a cutting throat motion to Eliza. "Uh- I mean..."
"That's great! Is he single?" Said Alexander, and before I could hear what she said I went back into the room.
"So? Are they making out?" Said Peggy laughing. "Nope... Nope they're definitely not doing anything like that."
Eliza and Hamilton walked back in, and started giggling. I glanced over at her phone.
middle sis😘: Chill! He told me not to tell but... He's gay! I set him up with John and
I stopped myself from reading.
"Okay, going to my room now!" "Why?" Everybody asked.
"I'm... Tired... Just tired..." Angie laughed. "Dude it's like 1:30 pm-"
"IM JUST TIRED!" I said a little too loudly, and left.
Peggy's POV
I popped the gum I was chewing. "Jesus Christ, what was that about?" Alex shrugged.
"Hey do you guys want to go to the bar?" Prompted Eliza and everyone agreed.
"Dude! We're not 21! I'm only 18!" She laughed. "It'll be fine, you don't even have to drink."
"Eliza I don't know... It's only her first day here and-" "Bullshit! It's an initiation! For her AND Alex!" I sighed. Guess we're going.
"ID, please?" Said the bouncer. "Uhh... I... Uh-I..." "Oh my god Peggy, chill. She's with me." Said Angelica, bored.
"Oh! You're Angelica's friend! Go right in! Al of you!" We all looked at her. "I dated his brother." Ohh.
John came through the door. "Aye!" We all shouted. "Is that what you do every time someone comes in a room?" Said Alex.
"Haha, n-... Well actually, pretty much."
~2 hours later~Hamilton's POV
I can't believe Eliza took that so well... Maybe I should tell the rest of the groups... I looked over and saw Thomas in a corner.
"Sally, you're embarrassing me..." He yelled at a girl. "Leave me alone!" She screamed at him.
"I know you want it..." He whispered in her ear, obviously drunk.
I stood up without thinking. "Leave her alone!" I screamed, and the whole bar looked at me. Sally ran out, crying, and Eliza went after her.
"That was between me and Sally!" He screamed, and I stumbled towards him.
"Well it looks like you were doing something she didn't want to do." I spoke through gritted teeth.
"You callin' me a rapist or something?" "Yeah, I am actually." He stepped towards me.
"Meet. Me. Outside." He walked through the backdoor with his group, and I tried to follow him but Mulligan and John held me back, and Angelica stepped in front of me while Lafayette and Peggy looked shocked.
"Alex... Don't act like a fool." Angelica said to me, but I pushed past her.
"Alex!" John yelled after me, and grabbed my shirt. "Your drunk. Don't do this." He whispered in my ear.
"I'm a big boy. I can handle myself." And with that, I walked out the door.
Peggy's POV
I stood outside, shaking in the cold, John gave me his jacket and I whispered "Thanks.".
People would probably think we're a couple if we weren't both gay, of course they don't know I am.
"Oh. I see you showed up." Said Thomas.
Before Alex could say anything else, Thomas punched him in the face, and Alex did the same.

Hamilton University
FanfictionThe Hamilton college AU that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Seriously, if you haven't listened to the Hamilton soundtrack GO DO IT. What happens when the immigrant orphan, exchange student, the school jock, and literally the gayest guy know...