Chapter 27

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The One Where Madison Is Dying (along with my fucking heart)

(Somebody also calls somebody a slut so like yikes™ and mentions that John's siblings were abused)

(Too many authors notes lol but this is the second to last chapter btw :((((( sorry)

Angie's POV

I was walking to class with my sisters when I saw naked pictures of some girl plastered around campus. "Oh my god." Muttered Eliza. I ripped it off.

"This is illegal!" I shouted to the rest of campus. "Especially if they're a minor!" I said, ripping off another one.

"You guys saw them too?!" Said Herc and Lafayette running over to us. "Yeah, I just don't get who would do something like this..." Said Peggy. We all made eye contact with one another.

"Jefferson." We said at the same time, and ran to go tear down some posters.

Jefferson's POV

The Schuylers, Lafayette, and Mulligan burst through my door, and I pushed Madison off of me. Good thing they didn't catch what we were doing.

Lafayette held up the poster of Hamilton's mom. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

"Porn of your friends mom, why?" I said smugly, while Madison watched from behind me. "Wait, what?!" Said Angie.

"Yeah, Hamilton's mom had to go and be a slut because her broke foreign ass couldn't find a real job, so I just did the world a favor and exposed her and her stupid son."

Eliza slapped me. I went to punch her in the face, but Mulligan grabbed my hand. "Don't you dare." He said. "OKAY! Well I think that we can all reach a nice agreement if we all just-"

"Shut up, Madison." Said Peggy. 

"Don't you talk to him like that!" I said, balling up my fists. "She can if she want to!" Angie said. Madison whispered in my ear.

"I'm fine. You don't need to protect me like that." "Yes, I do need to protect you like that!" I said. "And why is that, exactly?!"


All the color drained from his face, and he stormed out. "So uh... About that Hamilton's mom thing..." Said Hercules awkwardly, before I pushed past him and ran out.

Hamilton's POV

We rented a hotel so we could stay with John's sister for the day. He was doing better, but he wasn't as bubbly and loud as usual. I think he's putting on a brave face.

Horsefucker: hey did you hear about Madison?

CinnamonRollEliza: why are you texting us we're in the same room

CinnamonRollEliza: oh shit nevermind

Hamlet: No?

Lafgayette: He's dying, apparently. He doesn't really like us so we're not going to visit him in the hospital because Jefferson would be pissed, but we thought you should know.

SinnamonRollAngie: Yeah, sorry. Where are you and John? You kinda disappeared since yesterday.

Lafgayette: Yeah, is everything okay?

Hamlet: Not really tbh. His dad apparently was beating the crap out of his siblings. Two of them got hospitalized. The older one didn't make it, but the little one is okay. Don't tell him I told you, but don't mention it either. He doesn't really want to talk about it. Peggy already knows though, she's coming to South Carolina to be with him.

Lafgayette: oh fuck. how's he doing?

CinnamonRollEliza: OHMYGOD IS HE OKAY?

HorseFucker: I'm going to beat the shit out of his dad.

SinnamonRollAngie: I'll join you.

Hamlet: He's doing better than he was. We're coming back tomorrow. He's taking it better than I would.

It's probably true. I was silent for a good week after my mom died. I shook the thought from my head.

I can't think about that right now, I'm worrying about John and not me. He was still sleeping next to me.

Angie's POV

The room was silent. John was like our family, and we'd hate to see him so broken. We all had our methods of worrying.

Eliza got all teary, Laf focused on literally anything that wasn't this, I paced around the room, and Hercules prepared to punch anything in the face.

"Should we tell him about his mom?" Said Eliza. Lafayette shook his head no.

"No. The poor man can't take another heartbreak." We were quiet.

Jefferson's POV

Madison's parents weren't here yet. He was in the hospital, basically his deathbed. The doctor said he wouldn't last more than 48 hours, all of which I intended to stay with him.

"It figures, ya' know..." I spoke softly. "The one day you get in an argument with me you start dying." I laughed bitterly.

His eyes fluttered open. "Thomas?" I gripped his hand and smiled. "Yes?" "I'm sorry." I kissed his forehead.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I'm sorry too." He smiled. "I forgive you."

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