T/w: Mention of abuse!!!
I'll put an * when we get there, okay? And I'll put a * when it's over. Don't read it if you don't think you can.The One Where They Come Out
John's POV
I put my shirt back on. "You know... We should probably tell the group that you're my boyfriend soon..."
"Boyfriend?" Said Hamilton and raised his eyebrow.
"U-uh... I mean... Not if you don't want to be! I'm sorry I shouldn't ha-"
"Relax I'm kidding. How about we tell them tonight?" I sighed in relief. "Ah, thank god."
"You know... That was kind of hard to do with a cast on my arm." He said laughing, I rolled my eyes and left.
As I was leaving, I bumped into Lafayette. "Oh- uh... Sorry." "Hey... What were you doing in there?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up. Just studying." I said. "Then where is your books?" He said, smirking. My eyes widened. "I'm just kidding, man. I know you're together. Have fun!" He said, patted me on the shoulder, and then went into his room.
Angelica's POV
I came out of my room at my apartment. "Hey James, I'm going to Mulligan's for a bit." I said to my boyfriend James (Reynolds). *
"You've been going there a lot, you know." He said, walking towards me, I began to get nervous. "Yeah, he's my best friend, James. You know that." He put his hands on the wall so I couldn't move.
"I don't want you going."
"W-well I am, James. You're s-scaring me." I began to walk out. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him and slapped me. "You're. Staying." I was shocked, so I just nodded.
"Now go make me dinner." He said, pushing me towards the kitchen. *
Angie👽: hey, extremely sorry. can't make it to your place. got called into work :(
Hercules's POV
I sadly put away the food that I made for her... Well, I didn't really MAKE it, but I ordered her favorite pizza.
I also blew out the candle I lit. I hate those stupid candles, but she loves them. Oh well... John had some stupid announcement anyway.
"Okay guys so... I'm gay." Said Alex. "Oh cool! Didn't know that. I cannot relate, however..." Said Peggy. Okay then...
"And I'm dating John! Yay! Now go eat the pizza I bought." Everyone but me raced to the pizza.
HERCULESMOTHERFUCKINMULLIGAN: Hey. Still at work? Apparently Alex is gay and dating John? That's cool. You probably already knew that though. Don't feel bad about tonight. I didn't have anything special planned, haha.
HERCULESMOTHERFUCKINMULLIAGAN: Don't die of boredom at work. Btw, want to come to my football game this Saturday? You don't have to. You get free food though.
Angie👽: Read 8:17 PM.
I sighed, threw my phone down, and went to go get some pizza.

Hamilton University
FanfictionThe Hamilton college AU that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Seriously, if you haven't listened to the Hamilton soundtrack GO DO IT. What happens when the immigrant orphan, exchange student, the school jock, and literally the gayest guy know...