Chapter 5

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T/w: Mention of abuse!!!
I'll put an * when we get there, okay? And I'll put a * when it's over. Don't read it if you don't think you can.

The One Where They Come Out

John's POV

I put my shirt back on. "You know... We should probably tell the group that you're my boyfriend soon..."

"Boyfriend?" Said Hamilton and raised his eyebrow.

"U-uh... I mean... Not if you don't want to be! I'm sorry I shouldn't ha-"

"Relax I'm kidding. How about we tell them tonight?" I sighed in relief. "Ah, thank god."

"You know... That was kind of hard to do with a cast on my arm." He said laughing, I rolled my eyes and left.

As I was leaving, I bumped into Lafayette. "Oh- uh... Sorry." "Hey... What were you doing in there?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up. Just studying." I said. "Then where is your books?" He said, smirking. My eyes widened. "I'm just kidding, man. I know you're together. Have fun!" He said, patted me on the shoulder, and then went into his room.

Angelica's POV

I came out of my room at my apartment. "Hey James, I'm going to Mulligan's for a bit." I said to my boyfriend James (Reynolds). *

"You've been going there a lot, you know." He said, walking towards me, I began to get nervous. "Yeah, he's my best friend, James. You know that." He put his hands on the wall so I couldn't move.

"I don't want you going."

"W-well I am, James. You're s-scaring me." I began to walk out. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him and slapped me. "You're. Staying." I was shocked, so I just nodded.

"Now go make me dinner." He said, pushing me towards the kitchen. *

Angie👽: hey, extremely sorry. can't make it to your place. got called into work :(


Hercules's POV

I sadly put away the food that I made for her... Well, I didn't really MAKE it, but I ordered her favorite pizza.

I also blew out the candle I lit. I hate those stupid candles, but she loves them. Oh well... John had some stupid announcement anyway.

"Okay guys so... I'm gay." Said Alex. "Oh cool! Didn't know that. I cannot relate, however..." Said Peggy. Okay then...

"And I'm dating John! Yay! Now go eat the pizza I bought." Everyone but me raced to the pizza.

HERCULESMOTHERFUCKINMULLIGAN: Hey. Still at work? Apparently Alex is gay and dating John? That's cool. You probably already knew that though. Don't feel bad about tonight. I didn't have anything special planned, haha.

HERCULESMOTHERFUCKINMULLIAGAN: Don't die of boredom at work. Btw, want to come to my football game this Saturday? You don't have to. You get free food though.

Angie👽: Read 8:17 PM.

I sighed, threw my phone down, and went to go get some pizza.

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