Chapter 20

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The One Where They Get Kicked Out Of The White House

(A/N: 400 reads? Wtf? Thanks for reading my crap, y'all!)

Lafayette's POV

"I can't believe we're here!" I screamed, running around. "Shut up, you'll get us kicked out." Said Hamilton. Pfft. You can't get kicked out of the White House. I snuck out the back.

Peggy's POV

"And this is the Oval Office, otherwise known as the 'Room Where It Happens'." Said the tour guide, and Burr's ears perked up. "Somebody got a blowjob in that room." Whispered John, and I hit him in the arm.

She later showed us different pictures, and while she was trying to explain what was going on Alex kept interrupting her to say the exact same thing.

He was like a Hermione. "LUNCH TIME!" She screamed, and led us down to the cafeteria filled with other tourists.

"Fun fact: atleast 5 slaves were killed in this room." Said Thomas, and we all have him a strange look. "Hey, has anybody seen Lafayette?" I said, and as if on cue he came running through the doors with an American flag jumpsuit, 5 flags, and had his face painted to look like a flag.

"Hey guys! What'd I miss?" He said, and sat down. "Nothing much. It's super hot here. The weatherman said its going to be 80 degrees." Lafayette started laughing.

"What? It's actually going to be 80 degrees." I said, and showed him my phone. He stopped laughing and started screaming.

"Le monde se termine ! Oh mon Dieu! Nous avons besoin d' eau et de glace ! Oh mon Dieu! Je t'aime Mulligan !"

"Lafayette calm down!" Security guards then came down and escorted us away.

They started to search us while Alex complained about how this is an invasion of "personal space". They pulled out a bag of dirt.

"WHAT IS THIS?" He said sternly to Lafayette. "I... I stole dirt so that I can be buried under dirt from the white house. The hole is over there." We all facepalmed at this.

"You know this is a felony, right"

"No, it's not. If anything this would be fra-" Alex interjected.

"SHUT UP! You're free to go. But you're banned from the White House. Now go!" He pushed us away.

We sat quietly. "Lafayette... How did you get us kicked out... OF THE WHITE HOUSE?" Said Alex. "Hey leave him alone, he didn't mean to! 80 degrees in Celsius is like... 175 here." Said Hercules.

"I told you you would and you didn't listen!" Said Alex angrily, before John put a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't know that you could!" He said defensively.

We rode back in slightly angry/awkward silence, before Alex apologized in French, and said something about "I know what you said about Hercules." With a smirk.

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