The One With The Black Mail
Mulligan's POV
I sat in the empty library. "I do not get this." Said Lafayette, putting down his book. I've been trying to teach him Fahrenheit and other stupid American crap.
"You're a good teacher though." I laughed at this. "I'm dyslexic. I'd be a terrible teacher." "Well you're teaching me this now!" He complained.
"You just said you didn't get it!" I said, and we both laughed.
He looked into my eyes, and I kissed him. I immediately swiped all of the papers off of the table, and climbed on top still kissing him.
2 minutes later, literally the worst person to see this walked in. "My god." Said Jefferson, breaking the silence, and took a picture of us. Lafayette pushed me off of him.
"Ever learned to knock?" Said Lafayette. "It's a library!" Said Jefferson. "Ah, Madison will love this. It's hilarious." He said, and walked away.
"Wait!" said Lafayette. He smirked. "Oh?" "Don't tell him, we'd rather keep this a secret." I said. "Okay... But it'll cost you."
Peggy's POV
I woke up in a strange bed. "What the fu-" I mutter to myself, before John and Alex come walking in. Alex handed me some aspirin, water, and crackers.
"Hey Peg. Remember anything?" I shook my head. "Just going to a bar." I said, innocently.
John and Alex exchanged a guilty look before nodding. "Oh... Well... Charles Lee kinda drugged you." My mouth went open.
"Don't worry! Nothing happened, and Alex punched him in the face." Said John reassuringly. I let out a small laugh.
"Thanks you guys. I don't deserve as good friends as you. I mean, you guys let me sleep in your bed rather than the crappy futon, you protect me, you give me food." They took a seat next to me.
"Hey, that's what friends do. And for the record, you do deserve us. We're pretty great." Said Alex, and I punched him in the arm.
"We couldn't get into your dorm to get you some clothes, but you can wear ours if you want. I made breakfast, too!" Said John as they walked out, and I laughed.
How can they be so kind? I got out my phone to text Maria, we're going on a date tonight.
Jefferson's POV
I sat on the couch with the Southern Mother Fucking Democratic Republican™ squad, except for Maria.
She got kicked out when she said she was a lesbian. That's weird. Even though I'm gay, that's super weird.
"Dude, look what I found!" Said James, pointing to his computer. It was a girl in practically nothing in a rather... Suggestive pose.
"So? You found porn?" Said Madison. I hit his arm. He then took a puff of his inhaler.
"No! It's Hamilton's mom!" said Charles Lee, pointing to the name under it "Wow, boys. Good work." I said.
"This is some useful information." I said, then clicked on more "Thomas, I don't know if we should-"
"Quit worrying Madison!" I interrupted, then smirked. "Let's let him know what we know."

Hamilton University
FanfictionThe Hamilton college AU that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Seriously, if you haven't listened to the Hamilton soundtrack GO DO IT. What happens when the immigrant orphan, exchange student, the school jock, and literally the gayest guy know...