Chapter two

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Chapter two

It was horrible. My body craved the soup, drugged or not. It was food. How could I escape starved? Food gives you energy right?

I'm frustrated by my lack of knowledge. I was taken two weeks before I started my freshman year at our high school. I felt ashamed to only have a eighth grade education. Was I still fifteen? Could I go back? I hoped so. Though I doubt I would leave the house. Once I left this place, I never wanted to come back.

Back to the mind has started to roam. It's been three days. The drugs are wore off completely, but the affects on me are bad. I find myself craving the numbness. When HE comes back, I feel it all, I feel the burning and the pain, it takes everything in me not to cry out or shrink away. The cut he's made in my back, I'm sure has also become infected. If I wanted to be Alive when I left, it had to be tonight. After he used me or another and went to bed. Usually both. I was his favorite. The only times were I wasn't proud if it.

My mind wonders to a pet fish I once had. It scares me. Not the fish, my memory. It's coming back everyday the drug isn't put into my body. I can remember lots now.

I stiffen as the door flies open, he's here.

I hold my breath as he stops at my mattress. I hear his buckle unclip, and his pants fall. I feel my legs jerked apart, I feel his sweat drip onto me, I feel his nails in my hips, I feel the sharp and burning pain.

I hear the loud noise out bodies make, I hear his grunts, labored breaths and groans.

I smell sweat, urine, waste, blood, and moth balls.

I can taste blood as I bite my tongue to hold the cries.

Hot liquid fills my rectal and he pulls away with a piggish grunt. I wait an hour. Or at least what I assume is a hour.

With a grunt I lift myself up and turn to my left, the voice who spoke to me days ago. A body laid, skinny and frail, but something different. His skin seemed to sag and his abdomen seemed to be bloated out. Dead, I realized. He's dead.

With a breath, I quickly and achingly turn to the haunting stairs the man has climbed so many times. My body is weak and collapses several times before I make it to the top. I'll throw myself, I decide. If the door ends up locked, I'll throw myself down the stairs and try to break my neck. I refuse to have another night here. This door is what separated me from suicide.

"One door closes so another can open." My mother had once said.

Hopefully this one would open.

Shakily, I turned the knob and slowly opened the door. I was met with a normal home. Brown carpet and a couch, armchair, and TV to match. The faint sound of snoring from the couch gave me the courage to continue. My eyesight went blank and I was forced to my knees, it quickly came back and I decided on crawling.

The lyrics of a old church song floated through my head.

"Stand strong when life changes

Stand strong when life gets hard

Stand strong nothing last forever

Stand strong knowing god is on your side."

I hoped he was.

I crawled across the living room slowly, stopping when I saw a door. But not just any door. It had a glass door, I saw a drive way and trees. This was it. If I died, I died trying.

I crawled to the door quickly and stood up. I shakily plucked at the locks and flung it open, only adrenaline fueled me to run, and I ran. I ran right into a street. A street filled with houses.

But not here. He was too close. So I ran down the street, ignoring the rocks cutting open my feet.

I stopped at a small blue house and slammed my fist onto the doors screaming. The lights were on. I was desperate.

The door flew open to reveal a man with a worried woman beside him.

I felt my eyes water. I couldn't speak, but I pointed inside the house with a panicked look.

The stood afraid. Hearing shouting down the road, I forced myself inside and shut the door behind me. I looked to the woman and held out all my fingers, minus my thumb. Nine. I flashed it to her. Then held up only my index finger for a one, twice. Her eyes looked wary and I felt the panic begin to claw at me. Tears fell from my eyes and the horse sound of my sobbing filled the awkward silence.

The man flew toward the phone and he dialed 911, he held the phone to me and I took it. I tried but failed to speak, only sobbed into the speaker until I could speak. "S-s-s-sco-o-o-otty."

The man eyes me pitifully and takes the phone. "I have a young man here who despeatly needs medical care, and police...yes, alright." E hung up and looked to me. "You did need help right?"

I nodded quickly with a sob. I couldn't believe it. I did it! I did it! I was free!

A knock at the door makes me flinch. The mans eyes flash and he leads me to the kitchen, out of sight to stand with his wife. It occurred to me I stood covered in my own waste and blood in a strangers home.

"Hello, have you seen a blonde fellow? This high and very skinny?" I hear HIM ask.

The man whose house I'm in answers. "We have not. We were just settling into bed when you knocked."

"We'll alright. Good night then."

I hear the door close and the man come to me. "Are you running from that man?"

I force myself to try to talk "H-h-hu-u-u-rt." I pointed to myself then to the door where my tormented had jus stood.

The mans look goes into concern, but police sirens outside and loud knocking take his attention.

Things seemed to be in a rush after that.

I was taken on a stretcher to the hospital, but on arriving, I blacked out.


AN/ I Realize these chapters are terribly short. Bare with me! Drop a comment and a vote!

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