Chapter five

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Chapter five

I'm nervous arriving at my house. I'm scared to see my brother and father. Nambi takes my hand and squeezes it, reassuring me.

Reporters swarm my yard, screaming questions and demanding answers. Nambi is the first to get out of the car and come around to my side pulling me out. I have a harder time finding my balance on the grassy uneven ground and cling to Nambi's shirt but we were stopped by reporters.

"Is it true you were kidnapped?"

"Did you run away?"

"Who else was with you?"

"How did you escape?"

"What did he look like?"

My head began to spin. I tugged on Nambi's shirt desperate to get inside.

All in a moment water came crashing down onto the group of reporters. Silence filled the air. "Get out of my yard before I pour gas on you and light a freakin match!" A boy screamed from the window.

The reporters began to curse at the boy and another bucket of water fell onto them making them run. Nambi quickly pushed me to my from door and opened it pulling us inside.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I looked around the house. Memory's of the house began to push inside my head. I grew up here.

The boy who had thrown water onto the reporters flies down the stairs immediately coming for me. Pushing myself behind Nambi, I stare at the back of Nambi's shirt breathing heavily.

"Greg, give Scotty time. He's overwhelmed." My mother says.

Greg ignored her and peeks around Nambi. Standing up straight I stare at him. He's taller than me. His hair is also blonde and we have the same blue eyes. We each have light freckles stretching over our cheeks and noses. It's scary how alike we look. The only difference, is that he's tanned and taller.

Greg reaches a hand out to my cheek startling me and making me jerk back. Greg frowns and reaches for my hand gripping it and not letting me pull away. "Scotty! I'm your brother Greg. I won't hurt you. I love you and I'm glad you're back! I missed you."

He pulls me into a hug and I don't resist. Shyly, I wrap my arms around his neck and he squeezes me tighter.

After a moment, he pulls away smiling. "I'm happy to have my older brother back."

Feeling tears prick at my eyes, I threw my arms around his neck again pulling him down to my height.

"Scotty?" A deep voice echoes the room and I squeeze Greg in fear.

"It's just dad." Greg whispers.

Pulling away, I backed into Nambi's chest wanting his comfort. Nambi wrapped his arms around my neck loosely to show he was there.

A tall man stood at the bottom of the stairs staring at Nambi and I in annoyance. He looked familiar.

The man walked to me and reached out, but I flinched away. He frowns and sighs. "Scotty."

I grip Nambi's sleeves.

"Honey," My mother walks over taking his hand. "He lost certain parts of his memory. Introduce yourself. Greg had to."

The mans eyes flash and soften. "Scotty, I'm your dad. I missed you so much."

He reached out again, and again I forced myself back escaping his reach. He turns to my mother. "Why won't he let me touch him?"

"He's scared honey. We're reintroducing him, he's not immediately going to take to it."

"He did to Greg!" He scoffs. "And he's clinging to that guy! Who the hell is he? Why is my son so attached to him?"

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