Chapter nine

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Chapter nine.


I watched in pleasure as Scotty arched into me. His eyes sparkled as his hands trailed over my chest, pinching my nipples making me groan. "Teaser!" I accused.

Scotty only grinned before spreading his legs and giving me a beautiful sight. "Come on Nami! Do it! Play with me Nami!" Scotty ran his hands down his own chest before tweaking his own nipples. He gripped his erection and rubbed sending his other hand to his puckered bottom. His fingers circled around himself before pushing in. My erection throbbed and my heart sped. Pushing his hands above his head I positioned myself before slamming into him.
Scotty threw his head back moaning loudly for more.

"Oh! Baby! Harder!" His nails sank into my hips as he purred his orders. He dragged my hips to his forcing me deeper.

Scotty quickly pulled from me before turning into his hands and knees. Grabbing my erection he forced it into himself. With a groan I slammed my self again brushing against Scotty's prostate. Scotty shamelessly moaned and shouted in pleasure, he wanted to be heard, he wanted to be caught. The thought excited him.

Pulling back, I pushed in again, meeting Scotty slamming into me. I watched his hand go to his own erection when I felt we were near to our climax. When we finished I collapsed onto the bed dragging Scotty on top of me. Scotty smiled and purred straddling me.

He sank his nails a little too painfully into my chest. "Wake up Nami."

I jolted awake finding a red faced Greg staring at me from across the room. I tree a blanket over my tented jeans before looking at him. "Where's Scotty?"

Greg averted his eyes, his face becoming more red. "In the shower."

Leaning against the head board I waited for Scotty to come out. Minutes later, Scotty pranced in the room wearing clothes his own size before throwing himself onto my lap.

I groaned internally as my dream flashed in my mind. "You ok?" Scotty whispered in a soft voice. His voice was much softer than the Scotty in my dream, that Scotty had a tongue laced with seduction. "Are you ok?" Scotty asked again, his blue eyes looking worried.

Finally I nod. "I'm fine. How are you?"

He gives me a soft smile. "Ok, Greg says were all going somewhere. You're coming too right?" His voice trembled slightly.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Of course."


I took Nambi's hand and led him down the stairs excited. I was still shaken from my nightmare, but I brushed it off. It was just a memory. Looking at Nambi, I wonder how even if I had woken up in a fit, how he looked so happy and relaxed. I'd ask him later.

At the table, each seat was filled with pancakes. My father and mother both greeted me with a kiss on the forehead before I sat down.

"You eat like a bird." Greg teased. Picking a piece of pancake up, I threw it at him, only to have it land a few Inches in front of my plate. Greg burst out laughing. He caught Nambi's eye and blushed looking down at his plate. I frowned. Was there something between them? Unexpected jealously rolled off onto me. Could I handle it if they did? I couldn't. I liked Nambi. I felt perfect around him. I felt anger towards my brother and it made me feel guilty.

After breakfast, I took Greg's hand making a excuse to go get something with him. Greg followed me confused. I pushed him in my room before shutting it behind me. "Do you like Nambi?" I asked bluntly. My voice sounded as if I was a smoker and I winced.

Greg's face went blank before his eyes widened and his face went red. "No! No of course not!"

I stepped forward determined. Greg's eyes told the truth but I wanted to make sure. "I saw you look at him and blush."

Greg places a hand behind his head rubbing it. "I just remembered something. You should be asking him." He gently pushed me from the door before walking out with me trailing behind him.

I felt angry. I felt jealous and possessive over someone who wasn't even mind.

But it felt like it.

I was lying to myself, we weren't in a relationship. God, was I even ready for one? Kissing and being sexual? No. No I wasn't. The thought of someone holding me sexually scared me, even if it was Nambi.

Nambi and I took his car on the way to the Zoo. I kept my gaze on my legs. I couldn't get myself to calm down and not be angry. I felt as if I was being controlled by the jealousy.

"Are you ok?" Nambi asked concerned.

"Peachy." I replied curtly. It was as if I could feel his hurt eyes on me. Wondering why I was acting like this. Hell, why was I even jealous? Greg is ten! Ten! Nambi is twenty three! That's thirteen years!

My mind couldn't help but roam to other places. What did Greg have that I didn't?

Nambi parked and walked to my side to take my hand. Instead I shoved my hands into my jacket. This time I saw Nambi's hurt eyes. He downcast his eyes and walked with me to find my parents at the entrance. I shot Greg a glare making him flinch back. His flinch only made him guilty in my eyes.

Suddenly I was pulled into the bathroom. Nambi pushed me into the wall forcing his hands into mine. "Why are you angry with Greg and I?"

I couldn't speak. I suddenly felt guilty and ashamed. "I'm not."

He squeezed my hands sending a nice warmth down my body. "Please tell me what's wrong."

Tears prickled at my eyes. God, I was too emotional. "I'm jealous."

Nambi pulled my chin up to look me in the eyes. "Of who?"

"Greg." I sniffle. "You."

His eye brows furrow. "I don't understand."

"The way he looked at you, all rosy cheeks and shy. It made me jealous that you two might have something." I felt my lip tremble and I held my breath trying not to cry.

Nambi pressed his lips to my forehead. "You're so silly. No, I feel nothing towards your brother. He was embarrassed, he walked in on me with something I shouldn't have had."

I released my breath along with a few tears. "Why? Greg is so perfect. I'm ruined and stained."

Nambi's eyes grew angry and I flinched as he hit the wall with a fist. "I'm tired of you thinking that! Can't you see it!?" He took my hand and led me to the bathrooms mirror forcing me to look at myself. My blonde hair was limp, my face was red with tears along with my eyes. I wore a tight white shirt with a red jacket and black skinny jeans. "You're so beautiful! God, it amazes me how you can put yourself down. You're so perfect. You aren't ruined, not even a stain! Do you know what I see?"

I sobbed at his words and he forced my chin to look in the mirror. My eyes connected with my reflections. "N-n-no."

He entwined our fingers. "I see a beautiful blonde haired boy, short and petite. I see those gorgeous blue eyes and freckles, I see your baby soft pale skin. I see someone who was once hurt, someone with scars and a story. I see a smart and adventuress boy. Scotty, I see you. You're as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside! It pains me to see you put yourself down. One day I will make you realize how beautiful you are."

I stare at myself wildly sobbing. Tears rush down my face and my heart pounds quickly. Was I really what he said? Was I beautiful? Did I only think myself ugly? It didn't matter. Nambi made me feel beautiful.

AN. C: a peak into Nambi's head! He is a man after all! But he's not a total perv. I want a man/woman like this <3 shush x3 you've gone crazy! Merp c: comment and vote! I decided on two chapters today to be a drama llama c:

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