Chapter seven

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Chapter seven.

His nails scrap at my arms, His legs painfully holding mine apart. I felt his tongue trace my neck to my chin, leaving a slimy trail of bad breath. I feel his fat blunt fingers at my entrance painfully stretching me.

"You've got to be ready." His gruff voice whispers.

I feel something cold join his fingers, pain flaring in my lower regions. I cry out in pain gripping his fat arms, sinking my nails into them. "You bitch! That fucking hurts!" He roars. I feel his hand connect with my face before shoving his tongue into my mouth. Tears run down my face when he removes his fingers. I know what's going to happen. And it does. He shoves himself into my making me scream in pain. He jerks back before slamming into me again before making it a rhythm. With one last grunt, one last shove, he releases and pulls away, leaving me in the cold dark basement.

This was my first night. The night I was taken, the night I was raped for the first time. My rear aches and burns in pain, sending my fingers down, I feel something warm and liquidly soak my mattress. The metallic smell lets me know its blood. Sitting up, I limply climb up the stairs, the drug he's injected me with is wearing off, and I'm taking advantage of it. But the pain in my rear makes it hard for me to move fast.

I reach the top of the stairs Just in time for him to open the door. "Looks like we've got a brave one. It won't save you." He growls. His foot connects with my chest sending me flying down the stairs.


I wake with a scream. My skin is clammy and hot, my heart feels as if I've ran miles with out a break. Panting and sitting up, I find I'm alone. Checking the clock, I've only been asleep for twenty minutes.

I want to cool down. Walking to Nambi's dresser, I take out a shirt and shorts. I've been wearing his clothes all week, he said he hasn't minded.

Clutching the clothes to my chest, I make my way out of the room and into the hall. Face to face with Erin.

"Why did you scream?" He demanded.

Shrinking back Into the door I start to stutter. "N-n-nigh-t-t-tmare."

Erin pulls away letting me scurry to the bathroom and shut the door. That had not helped at all with trying to calm my heart.

Turing the knobs, I let my hand find the right temperature. From the corner of my eye, I see a face staring at me from the window. Quickly turning, no one is there. I quickly shut the curtains trembling. I needed Nambi. I've been fine this whole week with him, but now that he's gone, it seems to be crashing down.

He'll be back soon, I reminded myself.

Quickly stripping I stepped into the shower, closing my eyes and letting the warm water glide over my skin, as if it could heal everything. I hear a scratch, like fabric tearing, a familiar sound in the basement. I hear it again, this time louder. The tearing continues, louder and longer. Quickly peeking out of the shower curtain, I see nothing. My mind is screwing with me.

I force myself to continue the shower, when I finish, I wrap a towel around my chest as a woman might, I felt like I was being watched.

I dried my self off far away from the window, keeping my towel over me as I pulled on my clothes. Hanging my towel on a hook, as Nambi showed me, I left the bathroom.

Owen was carrying fresh clothes to his room in a basket when he spotted me, he dropped the basket and threw his arms around me. "I'm sorry Erin scared you!"

"S'ok." I hugged him back.

Owen took my hand. "Lets watch a movie, Nambi should be back very soon, I called him a while ago."

I nod and follow Owen into the living room after he pushed the clothes in the room. The living room was small but cozy. It had a light brown carpet with a dark brown arm chair and matching couch. A flat screen TV sits in a large table with shelves beside it, covered in movies.

Owen points to the movies. "Pick one!"

I blush. I don't know what's any good. I haven't seen a movie in three years. Skimming the movies I quickly find that a good portion of them are horror movies. I skip them and find a batch of cartoon ones. I pluck one out with a little red headed girl on it and 'brave' printed on it as well. Holding it out to Owen he grins. "Erin will definitely not come in here now. He hates this movie."

I smile.

Owen and I curl up together under one blanket as the movie begins.

Nambi comes home twenty minutes into the movie, immediately seeking me out. He spots me and takes my hand pulling me from the couch before sitting in my place and pulling me into his lap. Snuggling into his chest, I sigh with relief. The feeling I was being watched disappeared and I felt calm and warm.

Nambi, Owen and I continue to watch the movie quietly.

"If ya had the chance to change your fate would ya?" Owen teases in a horrible Scottish accent. He pokes at me as he continues to repeat those words, making me giggle and push my self into Nambi's chest.

Owen manages to push me on the floor crawling on top of me. "Prepare for certain doom!" His finger start to lightly dig in my sides, sending me into shrieks of laughter. I loved Owen, like a brother. I liked how he could do anything he wanted that if Erin did, would send me into tears, but instead I laugh when Owen does it.

Owen finally stops, leaving me with a red face and panting. Owen laughs And gets off of me, offering his hand. I ignore his hand and stick my tongue out at him. Owen scoffs. I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath when Erin walks in. I frown and roll to my side hiding my face. Nami slides to the floor and gathers me into his lap. "Have fun today Scotty?"

I simply nod. Not all day, but I did. Erin sits stone face on the couch dragging Owen into his lap. "He had a screaming nightmare."

My breath catches in my throat. How dare he? Nambi immediately stands up taking me with him and leading us to our room. When he shuts the door he hugs me tightly. "Tell me about the dream." And so I do.

He hugs me tighter as I stutter the words. I've told him my first night.

He kisses my forehead shocking me. "You're so skinny, I bought you some Girl Scout cookies to fatten you up." He trying to change the subject. I'm happy about that.

I smile. He takes my hand leading me to the kitchen. An untouched bag sits there, he pulls out a box of thin mints and gently hands them to me. "I know you love chocolate, try these."

Opening the box I pull out a little roll of them and pop out a round cookie. Nambi takes it from me and pokes my mouth with it. Laughing softly, I open my mouth and let him push the cookie into my mouth. I like it. I nod at him and flash him a toothy smile sending him into loud laughter.

"Scotty, you have cookie bits all in your teeth." He grins. Shyly I run my tongue over my teeth before taking out another cookie and holding it out to his mouth. He opens his mouth taking it, brushing my fingers with his soft lips making me shiver. We continue this until the roll of cookies are gone, taking turns gigging and feeding each other. I've just pushed the last cookie in his mouth when a flash goes off.

I turn to Owen, who's shaking out a picture holding an old fashioned camera. Owen smiles at the picture before handing it to me. I feel Nambi look over my shoulder at it.

Nambi and I are both smiling, me pushing a cookie in his mouth, but the cookie is almost hidden making it look like I'm shushing Nambi. I giggle and grin at Owen. I love it.

"I couldn't resist! You two are just so cute!" Owen says.

Blushing, I hold the picture to my chest and smile. Nambi takes the box of cookies, pushing it shut. Nambi walks infront of me picking me up and setting me on the counter before standing in front of me, between my legs. But his back is to me.

Erin walks in slightly more relaxed. He kisses Owens cheek and sits at the table.

Erin and Nambi start to talk about little nothing's and I occupy my self with Nambi's short hair. Running my fingers over his neck, I feel him shiver, Erin's eyes flash to mine before going back to Nambi. It felt like a warning. I dropped my hands and leaned back against the cupboards.

"How long is Scotty staying here?" Erin voices aloud.

"How ever long he wants." Nami says.

"Isn't he underage?"

Nami scoffs. "I'd never bring a underaged child here. Scotty is an adult. He needed a get away from reality."

"How old? He looks fifteen!"

I flinch. Fifteen. I hated that age. "He's eighteen."

I press my face into his neck. I didn't want to be here anymore.

"If he's an adult why doesn't he get a job like the rest of us?" Erin snorts.

"It isn't that simple." Nami hisses.

"It is!"

Nami takes my legs and wraps my legs around his waist. "Wrap your arms around my neck Scotty." Nami says softly. I do as he says and he walks from the counter leading us to his room.

Nami drops me on his bed gently and shuts the bedroom door. "Scotty.."

Tears form in my eyes, but I won't let them fall. I need a job, but I only have a eighth grade education.

"You don't need to worry yourself with a job." Nami says wrapping his arms around me.

"I-I-I on-n-l-ly h-ave a eighth gr-grade." I can't pronounce education and it only upsets me more.

"We can get you your GED."

"W-w-what's th-h-at?" Nami cuddled me into his side.

"It's like a high school diploma, it helps you graduate high school if you are unable to finish or quit."

I nod, I want a GED.

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