Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve


I woke in a sweat, plagued and haunted by my nightmares. Repeated raped and beating replaying in my head, over and over again. My hands immediately reach out to Nambi, only to find his place empty and cold.

Shadowed feet stand in front of the door and I feel my heart race. "Nami?" I whisper into the dark room. Something outside the room crashes and Owen is the one to rush inside the room with a gun. He slams my door shut before taking my hand, tears down his face and he's shaking. "He's here Scotty! He's here!"

The world seems to freeze, the only sound is blood rushing through my ears. I feel tears rush down my face and clutch onto Owen. "Where's Nami?" I cry.

No. It's only been a month and a half. I can't go back! I can't!

"I don't know," Owen trembles. "Erin came into our room bleeding and woke me up. I watched him stab Erin! I grabbed Erin's gun and ran past him." Owen started to violently sob. "I can't lose my husband!"

I pushed myself into his chest copying his actions as the door started to violently shake and the middle start to crack open.

The door flew off the handle revealing my captor with a blood nose and a evil grin. He held a hammer in his hands and tossed it to the sides. Trembling, Owen aimed the gun and shot. My captor roars in pain before charging forward and punching Owen. Blood streams from my captors shoulder. Owen clutches me closely, crawling over me as he sends fist and feet into Owens back and sides. I feel blood leak from Owens mouths and drip on my face sending me into tears. He can't be killed just because of me.

With all my strength, I push Owen off of me. "Don't hurt him!" I beg.

My captor grabs my neck shoving me against the desk behind me painfully. "I lost all my whores because of you! My home too! I'm in fucking hiding because of you! You stupid twat!"

I feel a wet cloth shoved against my mouth and a intoxicating smell taking my sight.


I woke up in pain. Naked and in pain from every inch of my body. I cried out when a hand came around my throat. My captor straddle me smiling. "You know, I meet introduced myself, call me master." He breathed. He ran a hand down my body making me shiver in pains and disgust. His eyes gleamed in pleasure and his smile grew. "You always did have the nicest body. God, I would just take you for hours."

Tears streamed down my face and I pushed his chest using all my mustered strength. Pain flared in his eyes as I slapped where Owen shot him. His hand slammed against my face sending a shriek of pain from me. "You stupid whore! I'm not going to sleep with you! I know you enjoy it too much. I'm going to make you suffer." His threatening voice sends fear down my back. "It'll hurt you, more than it will hurt me."


I was slumped against the wall panting, master stares at me with a grin. "Had enough yet?" His voice is like slime, coating my ears, sticky and thick.

I'm covered in dirt, blood, and tears. But I've long since stopped crying, it never helped before. I shake my head with a glare. He's ruined me, what else can he do?

He stands over me with a hammer and a grin. "I can't let you run away from me again baby. I love you, don't you understand? Baby, I watched you for years, craving your baby soft skin, when you turned fifteen, I could wait no longer. I had to have you." He forces my legs flat against the dirt ground as if I wasn't drugged and could actually move. Where are we? This wasn't the basement.

He rubs my face gently. "Now baby, this is gonna hurt, a lot. But it's for both of us." He lifted the hammer and panic hit me.

"No! I'll live with you! Forever! I won't run! Please!" I begged for my life, I didn't want to die. I wanted Nami, I wanted Owen, I wanted Greg.

Hell, was Nami even Alive still? What about freaking Erin? Owen said he had been stabbed! And Owen! Oh god. My heart ached for all three of them. I killed them, they took me into their home and I lead a killer there.

The monster keeps the hammer raised. "I can't take that chance, I'll only break one darling."

The hammer in his hand flew down connecting with the middle half of my calf making me scream as a audible 'crack' filled the air. He quickly fell to his knees before slamming the hammer back into my leg, making me scream and sob. Pain like never before filled me, like fire it licked at my leg, pulsing and aching in pain. Again and again he brought the hammer down until it was soaked in blood and my leg was very much broken. I couldn't breath, my eye sight blurred, my blood quickened and my heart sped.

He plunged a syringe into my skin before pushing in a bright yellow liquid. Every muscle in my body went slack immediately and the pain of my broken leg disappeared.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "We could be so happy together."


AN/ this chapter is short and sorda a filler c: but it's got sum shit up in there! How was the whole leg breaking thing? I felt as if I wrote it blurry. Could you understand what happened?

Comment and vote to save Scotty! Jk...I get to decide if he dies or not c:

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