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I shrugged, looking more composed than I really felt. “It's been like this for a few days.”

“Someone has been leaving you those creepy voicemails and you're just shrugging it off?” Disbelief filled his voice. “This is ridiculous.”

“I think . . .” I breathed out, not really wanting to point fingers. “I think it's the same person who sent you those pictures.”

Bryan paused, staring at the coffee in front of him. We have drunk at least three cups each since we had breakfast. “It makes sense.”

“I don't know who would do this,” I admitted. “It's not like I fight with people every day.”

He nodded. “Yeah, who was the last person you had an intense argument with aside from me?”

There was a beat of silence as we both considered our options. And then we both stood up with wide eyes, pointing at each other. “Gillian!” we bursted out.

“But why?” I bit my lip. “I haven't talked to Shane for ages now.”

“Shane broke up with her for you, Juliet. Kian has tried to reach her these past months, but to no avail. Even her family didn't know where she is.”



“I'm scared.” It felt more real, now that I admitted it. Whoever this person was, they shouldn't do this to anyone.

My body sagged against Bryan as he wrapped me in his arms. Anxiety gnawed at my insides, weakening both my resolve and my knees.

“I know.” He kissed my hair. “But I'll protect you, okay? You don't have to be scared.”

I pulled away. “But you won't be here forever. You'll have to go back to Ireland.”

Tucking a stray hair behind my ear, he offered me a small smile, though his eyes reflected my worry. “Then we'll go back together.”

I let his words sink in. Ireland = Shane = mymindgoingcrazyoveragain

“I don't know.” I sat down, staring at my hands. When did everything got so complicated? “I'm not ready to face everybody else yet.”

“You mean you're not ready to face Shane yet.” I pretended not to hear the slight hurt in his voice. Bloody hell, why did he know me so well? He settled beside me, his hand on my knee. “You can't keep running away from your problems, Juliet. Someday, you will have to face them.”

“I know that!” I met his eyes, hating myself for being selfish even after everything he did for me. “I just . . .” I swallowed. It's now or never. “I just didn't expect it to be so soon, you know.”

He sighed, and I saw how hard he was trying to be strong. My heart clenched. It broke me to watch him suffering for my sake.

Then why do you keep on making things hard for him?

Why, indeed?

“I know this is unfair to you,” he began, “but can't you do this for me?” His stare pierced right into my soul. “Can't you go back to Ireland for me?”

My heart drummed against my chest as he leaned in, searching my face for an answer. Perhaps before I wouldn't appreciate being pressured in making decisions, especially if I were hell-bent on following my principles, but as I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but surrender for once.

He has done so much for me . . . It was time I made him happy.

“I'm sorry,” I started, mustering courage. In an instant, he leaned back, stung, but I held onto his hand like a lifeline. “I'm sorry that I haven't really given you anything good for all the time that we've known each other.” I gave him a slight smile. “I'm sorry that I don't amount to the kind of girl you deserve.”

“Juliet, I—”

Shaking my head, I continued. “I guess all I'm saying is that I will do whatever you want me to do.” I reached up and cupped his cheek. He leaned into my touch, closing his eyes. “I want to make you happy, Bryan.”

He turned his head and placed a kiss on my palm. Heat filled my face as he shot me one of his infamous charming smile. “You already make me happy, Juliet.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“But it's true. Still, I'm beyond glad that you'll be with me.”

Tears pricked the back of my eyelids, my heart swelled with happiness. I missed this—what Bryan and I had. The way we talked about our feelings and showed affection. I missed being with him.

I took his face in my hands and closed the gap between us. Our kiss was slow and tender, unlike any other kiss we've shared so far. Before it almost always seemed like we were just kissing just because we wanted each other.

Now though . . . Now I could feel his heartbeat beneath my palm, matching mine. Now I was crying out of bliss, the depth of his affection seeping through every brush of his lips against mine.

“I won't leave you again,” I whispered on his mouth, my fingers in his hair.

He pulled me closer. “You never did, love.” He tilted my head to deepen the kiss. “You've always been in my heart.”

• • •

It was mid-afternoon when someone came knocking on the front door.

Bryan and I paused from what we were doing—which was being tangled in each other's arms and legs as we talked about random things—and stared at the block of wood with suspicion.

He got up, giving me a smile that melted my insides. “Relax.”

“Thanks.” I leaned over and held the bowl of chips in my hands. Spending the whole day with Bryan opened my eyes and eased my nerves. I forgot how it felt to be emotionally connected with someone after all these months.

“Where's Juliet?” I vaguely heard in the background as I gulped down half of the cola in my second glass.

Bryan's reply sent shivers down my spine. “None of your business, mate. Kindly get lost.”

I sighed, a smile on my face as I stood up. Bryan and his overprotective tendencies.

“Bryan? Who's—” I halted in my tracks, my heart beating hard in my chest.

Bryan's arm snaked around my waist, taking claim and comforting me at the same time. I smiled at the unwelcomed visitor, puzzled at my own reaction. He was a friend—why was I so shocked?

Uh, because he's the reason why you and Bryan fought?

“Juliet.” Sander gave me a dazzling grin, relief visible in his stance. “May I come in?”

I glanced at Bryan, but he was already looking at me. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I linked my fingers with his, squeezing.

Facing Sander, I nodded. “Of course. Make yourself at home.”


I smell drama! What do you think will happen? Stay tuned!


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