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Everyday Of Emptiness:

Isn't it a fullfiment when you found your happiness? That, thank God I escaped from those sadness and emptiness that I feel. Thank God, I'm done living in this bubble I made.

Maybe some of us here are still living carrying those hatred, sadness and emptiness. Yeah. But I know time will come, we will find each others happiness. Happiness that we will bring forever.

If you will just imagine, it is easy for someone to be happy. Yeah, it is. We may be happy for all the material things that we have, all the riches and the sweet success. Yes, you can. But for me, I can easily live without those things. As long as the attention, time and love of my family are there.

What can I ask for? My dad and I are okay now. Seltiel and I are together, taking care of each other and love one another. We're together since last month. I love him with every beat of my heart. I am confident that we will lasts for a lifetime. He saw me when I'm at my worst, he was there when I needed someone and he was my savior when I was drowning.

My life is now complete. No emptiness inside. No more sadness just pure happiness. Problems may come in our life but I always believe that we can do all things in Christ who strenghtens us.

Finally, I found my happiness. It took years for me to find it. It may be so exhausting but, when you know that things are planned with God, you have just to wait patiently and wait for it to come.

Everyday Of EmptinessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon