Hugs, kisses, and i love yous

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All the hugs... All the kisses... All the waiting...All the I love yous... All to end up like this? Did none of the kisses mean nothing to you. Kisses where we could be barely pull each other off because it felt so right... It felt so good. I stay and remember all those times we had a moment to ourselves alone and you started kissing me and I lifted you off the ground. Did that mean nothing to you? Did any of the love I gave you mean anything to you? If so then why leave? Why chose friends and other people over love? You said it yourself it felt so right and the fact that we never knew we would happen is what made it love.

Do you not stop and think all those perfect moments we have? Is me doing all these bad things all you think about? There were moments when we kissed and it felt like the world just froze and it was just you and I. We gave each other kisses that took our souls away. We gave each other hugs that made us feel safe and loved. Do you not think about that?

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