Did you even try?

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I stayed up crying... I stayed up thinking... I stayed up blaming myself. I gave you a second chance. All you did was leave. So did you even try? If you would've really tried we would've stayed. You see that things are going down and then you leave? It was my decision that I made to call you what I did ,but there is a reason for almost everything. I regret it... I really do, but at least it tried to fix things. At least I gave you everything I could and when I could. At least I was there when nobody else was. But what you do is leave, lie to me, push me away, make it look like I'm the one that fucked everything up, and make me feel like crap and have me crying all night because I want you back. I fuck things up by reminding you of what you did and by telling you how you are the one that caused all of this to happen in the first place? I did stuff after we broke up. I might be a bad ex but I can sure as hell say I was the best boyfriend to you, but you'd probably deny that. So tell me why don't I deserve a second chance? Why can't you truly forgive me and come back to me? Do you realize it's only meant to be if you realize that maybe you should come back so we can work on us? Come back and help me put the puzzle back together and it'll be meant to be... It'll show me that you actually do try.

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