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I regret everything bad I've said. Everything bad I've done. The past is the past and if could go back in time to fix everything bad I did then I would. All I can do now is see her as she holds the hand of another and sends hearts to another. Hearts that use to belong to me. I will fix myself and learn and observe. I may not have done a lot of stuff to say I'm experienced but I'm really quite and observer everything around me. Life sucks sometimes but we have the option to fix it whenever we can, and we can start by taking back things and enjoying it for the rest of our lives. I forgive everything and everyone. I'd rather be happy then be that old man who is full hate and doesn't believe in love.
Take me back whenever...
I'll be here waiting for you as long as I need to...
I need you...
Forever mi niña traviesa. 12.05.15 for life.

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