A wise criminal once said " Love, it's just chilling, you know? Kicking it with somebody, talking, making mad stupid jokes. And, like, not even wanting to go to sleep,'cause then you might be without 'em for a minute. And you don't want that." - Poussey (Orange is The New Black). My everything and I FaceTimed every night and sometimes even morning because we fall asleep while the FaceTime call is still going. It might sound crazy ,but it's like one of our things. We may not be able to sleep next to each other now ,but sleeping together through FaceTime feels like she's there and it calms me. Nights go by and we FaceTime more and more and then we are up till four o'clock talking about everything we have done and leaving subliminal messages or hints that we thought each other were cute. We then decide to play the good old game of "twenty one questions" a fun game were you ask questions and you have to answer all twenty one with the choice of one pass. Questions go by and I get to know her more and more and then there was a moment were I just stared at her through my phone and decided to say the three words that I knew would affect the rest of my. The three most amazing words that I won't ever regret saying. Those words are "I love you". At that moment we both decided to consider ourselves as "talking" as in a soon to be relationship. That night was the most happiest night for me, because you see I have been single for almost 4 years. All I wanted was a girl to call mine and be able to hug and love. This all goes back to the first time when she "DMed" me on Instagram asking me if I wanted to be one of her chambelanes for her quinceañera and of course y'all would guess what my answer was. So yea you could say we basically ended up together because of Instagram but I like to think of it much more than that or as the day that I met the love of my life. Funny thing is she's been around me all my life, ever since I was little kid actually. She's always been there and what a coincidence that she comes through my life now. I'm a really superstitious person and find meaning to everything. Like honestly she comes through my life now and she has always been there to me it's like one of gods plans or like destiny. I may not know gods plan for me and for her or what he has in store for us, but what I do know is that I love her and hope that she is reading this right. So what does love mean to me? Hmm good question. Love to me is finding that person who you would have never imagined falling in love with and just being with them and treating them with love and buying them chocolates and big teddy bears to try to show them everyday that you love them sooo much and don't ever wanna lose them.
It's funny how love works
RomanceWho would've known... I'm just a guy looking for a second chance. I love her