Chapter 8 One Two Daren's Coming for You

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Hi guys, I've finished the chapter on Daren's POV and as promised decided to post a day early. Thanks so much for your encouraging comments, I love to hear everyone's opinion. I've been asked a lot about including Abby and Travis in the fic and is in the works, unfortunately not anytime soon. The story just doesn't allow for it at the moment.  But we have Endlessly Beautiful to keep the Travis need satisfied for a while.

Happy readings.

Chapter 8

One Two Daren's coming for you!

"You know it's not gonna happen right?"

I watched Em walk out of the cafeteria, transfixed by the sway of her hips. It was subtle, she probably didn't even realize she was doing it. Nothing like the girls I was used to, but it did more for me than watching ten of those girls strip naked.

"What's not gonna happen?" I asked, half paying attention. I didn't take my eyes away from Em until she disappeared out of my line of sight. Glancing at Dee I noticed the bemused expression on her face. I gave her a narrowed lidded stare, taking her tray along with mine to throw out the leftovers. She laughed softly under her breath.

This was the second time I attempted to have lunch with Em. We managed a whole half hour without incident, but the girl barely spared me a glance. And as soon as she finished, she left with her friend

"Whatever this thing you're trying to do with Em. It's not gonna happen."

She continued out the door as Chelsea blocked my way, telling me something about a party for Halloween. I blew her off with a noncommittal answer and hurried to catch up with Dee.

"I'm just trying to help her with her car, but she's a stubborn mule that one." And that's really saying something considering I'm related to some of the most stubborn people alive.

"Please, don't insult my intelligence. You're trying to charm her pants off, like you do every other girl that chases you around." Alright, so I'm doing that too.

"Why can't I do both, I'm great at multitasking." I grinned playfully.

"She's not your usual type Jay. Don't get me wrong that's a compliment, Em is gorgeous, smart and she's a good girl."

"Yes to all of the above. Do I get a gold star?" I joked.

"What I mean is, she's not gonna sleep with you. So why are you so interested?"

I asked myself that very same question almost on a daily basis. Any rational guy would've thrown in the towel on the first insult that came out of her mouth. Yet here I was, enduring all the shit she threw at me like a sadistic bastard.

I acknowledged a few people as they walked by, with a quick nod. My mind swirling around a question that I didn't know how to answer without sounding crazy.

"Unless..." She trailed off momentarily. I saw the moment understanding sank in. "That's what has you so interested isn't it?"

I met her probing gaze for a second but didn't say anything as we walked along the path.

"Seriously? That's exactly what this is about it. The chase, the challenge."

My first instinct was to deny it, but who was I kidding. I craved a challenge like a fat kid craved twinkies. Em had no idea how irresistible she was making herself to me. Everytime she rolled her eyes or told me off with that sharp tongue of hers, it sent a thrill through my veins that was stronger than any drug.

Most often than not I would intentionally mess with her just to see those amber eyes turn to liquid fire. I know, I'm a rotten boy. What can I say? I live for that feeling, that moment when my life hangs in the balance of uncertainty between life and death, there was nothing like it for me. I never felt more alive than when I was looking death in the eye.

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