Chapter 39-Future Uncertain

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Hello my loves, welcome new followers and again, thank you so much for the votes and comments. Decided to surprise you all this awesome Monday (sense the sarcasm) with a new chapter update. I had meant to post it yesterday but it completely slipped my mind.

Happy Readings

Chapter 39

Future Uncertain

"Are you crazy? There's no way I'm letting you buy me a car. That's insane!" I'd gotten a call earlier from my insurance deeming my car totalled in the accident. Not that it had much life left to begin with, but it had served the purpose of taking me from point A to point B. Now, I was car-less and would most likely be depending on Jay to take me everywhere on his bike. Not exactly ideal since the temperature was dropping with impressive speed, the thought alone made me shiver.

"Why not? I think it's the best idea I've had all day."

We'd gone to the hospital to see Lori first thing in the morning before she was discharged and taken home. She seemed to be in good spirits even if a little out of it because of all the meds. I still felt a pang of guilt over the whole thing, it couldn't be helped even when I knew better. I hugged her tightly and promised to keep her updated on all things juicy and gossip worthy, per her request. We got back home around noon and decided to take a much needed nap. After the emotionally driven previous day, and all nighter we pulled, we were both dead on out feet. We'd crashed without even taking off our clothes.

"Jay, I don't need you to buy me a car, we just started dating for god's sake."

"Dating?" He chuckled, leaning over the kitchen counter and snatching a piece of ham that he proceeded to eat. I was preparing a light lunch for us, an italian frittata that i learned to make from one of those Tasty recipe videos.

It was monday, Christmas wasn't until Sunday and Jay and I had decided to head over to his house Friday so that we could enjoy the week alone.

"I think we are way past dating angel. And I'm certainly not gonna ask for sexual favors in exchange for a car. Although they are more than welcome, you know, if you're so inclined."

He winked, further infuriating me because well...he was just too freaking irresistible to stay mad at, even when he was frustrating the heck outta me.

"Not gonna happen, I don't want a new car." I held strong though, I was not gonna break on this.

"Everyone wants a new car." True, but I wasn't gonna admit to that.

"Jay, can we please drop this? I'll find a way to get my own car eventually, okay?"

"Not okay. Why the hell would you go without a vehicle when I have the means to get you one?" Now he was just pissing me off.

"It's my choice, it shouldn't bother you or affect you in any way if I have a car or not."

"Are you kidding me right now? Of course it affects me. You're my freaking girlfriend." He threw his hands in the air.

"And what does that have to do with anything? Does that title automatically make me your property?" I swiped the hair out of my face, regretting letting it loose instead of putting it up in a bun or ponytail.

"Jesus woman you're so stubborn. It means I'm supposed to take care of you."

"I don't want you to take care of me by buying stravagant gifts."

"News flash! That's what couples do, they take care of each other."

"That's what married couples do. We," I gestured at the space between us. "have been seeing each other for just a few weeks!" His expression immediately transformed, mouth curling up into a sly grin.

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