Request - Elijah Mikaelson "Forget"

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"You need to leave, Y/N..." Elijah just stood there, eyes locked with yours, and somehow there was a flicker of fear to be seen in his eyes. Something that had never been there before.
"I don't know if I can still protect you."

You didn't know what you were hearing. You had come to the compound to see him, even when you hadn't heard from him in a few days, but you hadn't expected him to be so cold.
"You can't just send me away, Elijah. Not after what we had." It had only been a few months ago that you had left, and you had been shocked when you had accidentally found out what he was, who he was, but it hadn't mattered.

He still didn't move. It was one of the things about him you had always liked. He was trustworthy, steady... It didn't matter what would happen, Elijah would know what to do.
"Niklaus has gotten out of control lately, and I don't have any clue what he is going to do next. Who he is going to target." He was silent for a moment, biting his lip, the only sign of weakness he showed right now.
"Rebekah and I, we might have done something to anger him. It didn't work out so well, and now he is missing. He might go on a rampage."

You shrugged. "And what does that have to do with me? I didn't do anything." And if Klaus was going after Elijah, you wanted to be here, see what happened. Not just sit in your apartment and wait for news that was always going to be too late.
"I promise I will hide somewhere, Elijah. Please, don't make me leave..."

He stepped towards you, crossing the few feet in no time, and he cupped your cheek. "You can't, my dear Y/N. I would be putting you in all kinds of danger if I would allow you to be anywhere near this house when all hell breaks loose, and make no mistake, that will happen. We broke his trust, and knowing Niklaus, he will retaliate with everything he has in him." He held up his hand to stop you from speaking. "And no matter where you will hide, he will be able to find you, and use you. Because I care about you. I might even love you..."

Your eyes grew big. That was something you hadn't heard him say to you before. Something you could understand, with the history he had behind him, but hearing it say him now only made you glad, ignoring everything else. "But... if you feel like that, there must be a way..."

He put a finger on your mouth to stop you from talking. "I know how it ends with the women I love, Y/N. I know how my brother will use this knowledge against you, so he leaves me no choice..."

"What?" You suddenly saw a tear in his eye, and you didn't know what to expect, until you felt Elijah's hand under your chin, and you were forced to look into his eyes. Then you knew.
"Please don't do this... there must be a way..."

His voice almost broke.
"There's not. Your link to me will always make you a target, so I have to sever that link. No matter if I want it or not." He started to compel you.
"You will forget we have ever met. You will forget my name, you will forget your feelings for me. It will be as if I never existed. When you get home, you will pack your belongings and leave New Orleans immediately." He pressed a kiss on your forehead. "That is the only way I know how to keep you safe...", he muttered, before suddenly disappearing.

You didn't know what happened. You never knew he even existed.

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