Request - Drabble Jace Wayland

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"Get back!" He screamed, but no matter how much you tried, you couldn't move.

It was as if your entire body was protesting against everything you tried. You couldn't run, you couldn't fight. You could only stare at the monster in front of you with your eyes wide open.

"I said, get back!" Jace pushed you aside and before you knew what was actually going on, you saw his glimmering blade piercing the monsters skin. While Jace wrapped his arm around your shoulders, the monster in front of you shattered into a thousand pieces, until there was nothing left anymore.

"Wow..." You were heavily breathing and you felt your heart racing in your chest. "That was close." You swallowed and you looked up at the handsome shadowhunter next to you.

"Yes, that was very close. Why didn't you just run?" He shook his head and he placed the palms of his hands on your blushing and heated cheeks.

"I couldn't..." You stuttered and you felt the tears burning in your eyes. "It was as if I couldn't do anything anymore." You bent your head, but Jace grabbed your chin and almost forced your to look up again.

"Next time, don't think. Run. I wouldn't forgive myself if something would happen to you." He spoke softly and you felt his nose brushing yours. "I love you too much to lose you, okay?" His eyes were staring straight into yours and eventually you nodded, realizing that this was the first time you had ever heard him say something like that.

"I...I wouldn't want to lose you too." You wrapped your arms around his neck and you closed your eyes while Jace leaned in and pressed his soft lips on yours. "I love you too..." You whispered while you were taking a short break to breath before you kissed him again.

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