Request - Drabble Mikael Mikaelson

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"And that was another one..." You looked down at the corpse of the vampire you had just killed, satisfied. Another blood sucker who wouldn't hurt anyone, ever again. You turned around to tell Mikael when you suddenly ducked, seeing something coming at you, and somehow you didn't have any weapons ready. You closed your eyes, but all you heard was a dull thud, and when you opened them again, you saw the vampire lying at your feet, a stake protruding from his back.

"And that is why you never lose your enemy out of sight, girl. How often do I have to tell you that before you manage to act on it?" Mikael looked at you, disappointed, another stake already in his hand in case the two of you had been wrong and there were more vampires around than just these two.
"You have a death wish?", he demanded. "Never... never think you are victorious after only felling half of the threat. Do you understand?"

You nodded, looking down. You'd think you would get used to him talking to you like that, but somehow it was hard disappointing him like that.
"I get it. It won't happen again, I promise..."

He sighed.
"Don't make any promises you can't keep. We've been over this time and time again. Just help me dispose of this... filth, before we start looking for my brood again. They were useless in telling us anything."

You started to douse them in gazoline, before setting them on fire. Yes, Mikael wasn't the kindest partner you could have, but he was good in what he did. He protected you, even when he lectured you afterwards, but he did make you feel safe.
"Mikael?" You asked, and he looked up. "Thank you. I would have been dead without you."

He was the one nodding this time.
"I know. I can't lose the only one who can stand me for longer than five minutes, can I? Besides... I haven't been able to find my children in centuries. You might be worthless in protecting yourself from vampires from time to time, but you do have eyes and years. You'll come in useful."

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