Request - Drabble the Mikaelsons (Sequel)

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You stepped out of your hiding spot. You knew that they wouldn't believe you, but you had to tell them, had to let them know that you were part of the family too, had to try to get them back.

"And who do we have there?" Klaus smiled while he stood up from his seat. He was holding a glass filled with champagne and he exchanged a glance with his brother's and sister.

"I'm (Y/N) Mikaelson." You held out your hand and you felt your cheeks turning a bright pink. Although you had the full right to use the name, you had not said it out loud for years.

"O, which one of us are you planning to marry?" Kol stood up from his seat too and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "I'd go for me. I'm obviously the fun one." He tapped your nose and then turned around, but you shook your head.

"I think it's illegal to marry one of you." You sighed and you licked your lips. This was the worst idea you had ever had. Why did you think that Esther's spell would magically get broken as soon as they would see you? "I'm your sister." You cleared your throat and you took a deep breath.

For a moment there was nothing but silence. The Mikaelson's didn't say anything. Either they were debating how to kill you or they were wondering if anyone had the phone number of the nearest Asylum.

"That's the best joke I've heard in years!" Klaus eventually broke the silence and you closed your eyes and tried to fight the tears that were burning in your eyes.

"Niklaus! I am certain this is not just a joke." Elijah walked towards you and he cocked his head. "Why don't you enlighten us with the entire story, my dear?" He held out his hand and he led you to an empty chair. "Just start at the beginning, please."

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