Request - Drabble The Nogitsune (Triggering)

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Trigger warning: This drabble contains extremely triggering content. It contains violence, blood and sexual abuse.

"Poor Scott..." The Nogitsune tightened the rope around your wrists and pressed a soft kiss on your nose. "There is literally nothing he can do to stop your suffering." The Nogitsune placed his foot on your ankle and with one smooth movement he broke it. "Nothing..." He hissed between his teeth and turned around to stare straight into the camera.

Scott was watching. He had to. If he would stop watching, the Nogitsune would kill you and Scott knew that.

"Poor Scott McCall." The Nogitsune walked around the chair you were sitting on and he placed his hands on your shoulders. "So strong, so powerful." He squeezed your shoulders and you felt how his hands moved lower and lower. "And yet..." He placed his hands on your breasts and squeezed. "He fell for the biggest weakness of all." He took his hands away and took a knife from his pocket.

You wanted to scream, wanted to cry, wanted to fight, but you knew that everything you tried would only make it worse. It would make your suffering worse and most of all it would make Scott's suffering worse.

"I'm surprised he didn't mark you yet as his." The Nogitsune stepped aside and he placed the knife on your arm. "Maybe I should do that for him." He pressed a little and you kept your mouth shut, biting your tongue, while he carved Scott's name in your delicate skin. The drops of blood ended on the carpet on the floor, but the Nogitsune didn't seem to mind. "Let's add the McCall too, shall we?" He grinned while he walked to your other side and grabbed your other arm.

You didn't say a thing. You could taste the blood of your tongue in your mouth, but you didn't want to give the Nogitsune the satisfaction of your screams. You knew that Scott would be able not to scream. If Scott could be that strong, you could be too.  

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