Chapter 6

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Harry's smiling as he's lying in bed, Louis on the line talking to him about Emma's first lesson that's coming up; they haven't set an exact date yet

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Harry's smiling as he's lying in bed, Louis on the line talking to him about Emma's first lesson that's coming up; they haven't set an exact date yet.

Harry's still in amazement that Louis has asked him to teach his daughter. Of course he wants to with all of his heart; he honestly cannot wait to see Emma's artwork, and to see her bright mind come up with ideas with him.

"... but yeah, that's been my day so far," Louis is saying into the phone, "has been pretty shitty."

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you for lunch," Harry mumbles out, "I really appreciate the invite... I'm just... feeling under the weather."

"Oh no... did Em make you sick?" Louis is asking, "shit, I was afraid she would..."

Harry stays quiet for several seconds, his eyes on the ceiling above, "uh, no... I don't think it's that. It's more like... the flu, I guess."

"The flu?" Louis asks, "have you not had your flu shot, Harold? You know I can do it..."

"Why? So you can stare at my ass?" Harry jokes, trying to enlighten the situation.

It works because Louis is soon laughing into Harry's ear, "well, if it takes you getting a shot for me to see your ass... we're in bad shape here..."

Harry grins a little, "go enjoy lunch with Liam... and call me when you leave... if you want."

"You know I want to," Louis says softly, "alright, love. Talk to you soon."

Harry ends the call, dropping the phone next to him on the bed before he's covering his face with his hands.

Harry isn't Harry today. He knows it. He has known it was coming. And each time he feels like this, his mind becomes anxious... he's not sure how he makes it through the episodes he has... but when every episode ends, and the good days return for a bit, Harry can't help but be more thankful.

Paints sit in the floor, untouched... Harry's eyes fall to the blank piece of canvas he has desperately been wanting to start... he's tried to talk himself into it all morning.... he just can't.

He doesn't want to move... he wants to stay under the covers and shut out the world until he feels better.

It's unbearable sometimes.. and he's finding that today is one of those days. He has accepted it, even turning Louis' lunch offer down.

Harry knows with every ounce of his being that he wants to see him; he doesn't care if it's just a lunch date every day, all week... Harry loves every second he spends with this man.

And Harry knows how much more he'll be seeing Louis soon once he's started Emma's lessons. How can he expect to hide this side of himself from Louis, and from Emma?

He dozes off for several hours before his phone is sounding beside him. He rubs his eyes and picks it up to see Zayn calling.

He sits up some, the pain hitting him again as he answers the call. "Hey, man."

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