Chapter 37

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It's another normal morning at the Styles-Tomlinson home. Louis is dressed for work with his coffee in hand and Harry is dressed in his paint attire again as he's helping Emma put her things into her backpack.

She has asked both Louis and Harry a million different questions about her mother Elizabeth in the span of 2 hours; she's asked if they could go visit her in New York and if Elizabeth would be keeping in touch with her. Harry has reassured her over and over that her mother wants to keep contact with her.

But Harry couldn't help but smile when Emma looked at him this morning and told him that she still considered Harry to be her 'mother', and she always would feel that way.

Harry takes Emma into school that morning, like almost every morning now, and Emma gives him a big hug and a kiss before she's smiling at him and saying, "I love you, Pappa. Have fun painting today."

"I love you, too, beautiful," Harry grins at her and fixes the bow in her hair, "you have a wonderful day, alright? And I'll see you this afternoon."

"Ok," Emma nods and smiles before she's hurrying to her desk. 2 of her friends wave to Harry and he smiles and waves back before he's leaving.

He walks the halls slowly as he's pulling his phone out to text Glenne. He's supposed to be picking her up at her place and driving her to the warehouse so that he can create this image he keeps seeing in his head; the image of birthing forth a miracle.

Louis calls him while Harry's on his way and tells him how his morning is going so far, how many patients he has to see, and what time he'll be home.

"...Oh, I have something to tell you as well," Louis says into the phone.

"What?" Harry asks with a smile on his face as he's turning on Glenne's road.

"It's a surprise," Louis replies, and Harry can tell Louis is grinning by the way he says it to him.

"Surprise? Why can't you just tell me?" Harry asks with a chuckle.

"Because... I want to tell you in person, alright?"

"Alright, fine," Harry pretends to pout, "I guess I can wait."

"Don't make plans for Saturday," Louis tells him.

"Uh, ok," Harry's smirking and pulling into Glenne and Jeff's driveway, "when do you plan on telling me this surprise?"

"Tonight. When I get home," Louis answers, his voice quiet, "I'm going to see if Megan's mum minds if Emma stays the night Saturday night... or maybe she can stay with Glenne. Emma would probably love that."

"Ok, now you're really making me wonder what you have up your sleeve," Harry laughs. He turns off the engine and steps out of the Rover before he's saying, "I'm at Glenne's, babe, so I'm gonna go."

"Alright, love," Louis speaks softly, "I love you. Have fun painting. Can't wait to see it done."

"Yeah, me neither," Harry whispers, "I love you, too. Hope your day goes well."

"Yeah, maybe so," Louis sighs, "be careful."

"Of course, always," Harry smiles. He ends the call as he's walking to the front door of their home.

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