Chapter 5

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I knock on the wall after shutting down my computer and soon Max walks over to the window.

"What?" He ask messing with his hair. I get up and I walk to the door.

"You ready to go?" I ask. He sighs.

"I have an hour of editing left, you'll have to ride home with Ross." He says as I walk out.

"I'll stay with you." Giving him a hug because I can tell he's a little stressed about the editing. He squeezes me tightly before saying anything else.

"You sure?" He asks looking down at me. I look up at him and nod.

"Yeah why not." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and steps back a little and walks to his office. I go into my office and I grab my things before I walk into his office. I set my stuff down by the door and I walk over to his desk. He looks up at me and shakes his head. "What?" I ask leaning against his chair.

"Nothing." He says with another sigh.

--- (later tags night)

"Let's watch 'the new hope'." I say looking at all the Star Wars movies.

"Ok if that's what you want to watch." Max groans a little. I glare at him playfully. I pop it in the blue ray player then I plop myself next to Max. He smiles and wraps his arm around me. I look up at him and then it hits me.

"Max?" I ask a little scared of his answer.

"Yeah." He says still looking at me.

"What are we?" I ask looking down at my lap.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"What are WE?" I ask again. He looks down at me before looking away.

"Well what do you want us to be?"

"I don't know but all I know is I want there to be an us."

"I see..." He trails off.

"Max I... I... Love you." I stutter not even knowing what was coming out of my mouth. Max looks at me again.

"I love you too." He says. He stare at each other for a second before leaning in. Before I knew it we kiss. We pull away after a few seconds. "(Y/N)? Will you be my girlfriend?" Max asks after thirty seconds. I smile feeling my heart explode with excitement.

"Yes of course!" I squeal. Max smiles bringing me into a hug and kisses me after. We both jump when the Star Wars theme blast through the speakers. We both shake our heads and we get back in our position.

Max's P.O.V.

I've been wanting to ask (Y/N) to be my girlfriend ever since I laid eyes on her. She's just so cute and adorable! I'm knocked from my thoughts when something heavy hits my shoulder. I look to see (Y/N) asleep and snoring lightly making my chuckle. I slowly pick her up and I carry her to my/our room. I lay her on the bed covering her. I turn to go back to the TV but a hand grabs my shirt. I turn to see her half awake.

"Will you stay with me?" She asks. I nod.

"Yes I will but I'm going to turn the TV off." I say. She nods and sits up. I smile before heading to the living room and I turn off the TV. I quickly go back to the room and walk in to see (Y/N) with pj pants one and only a bra. I feel my face heat up and I quickly leave the room. I wait for another minute and she opens the door. "Sorry." I say feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine." She says not looking at me and I can see her face is red with embarrassment. We both slide in after I get ready. "Night." She says as she curls up next to me.

"Night." I say pulling her closer. We both sigh with satisfaction. I kiss her head before closing my eyes and I wait for sleep to come.

*hope you guys liked this chapter! Can't wait to publish the next! K.... Bye!*

Another side of Max (Max/Mithzan X reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now