chapter 3: The Nightmare

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I was in the woods running, I could hear them getting closer and closer as each step I took away from them. Big fat tears ran down my face as I quickened my pace. I needed to get away.


An arrow flew past my left ear and into a neighbouring tree. I gasp and stumble to a stop for a split second before turning right and continue running. They were getting closer I could sense it.


Where was that voice coming from? it sounds an awful lot like Louis'-

I cried out as I stumbled and tripped over something hard and went plumetting to the ground. I could hear their footsteps behind me. They're here.

They caught me.

I felt a hard kick to my stomach which made me gasp for air as it winded me immediately. The person turned me over with their bow and pointed it in my face.

It's him.

He opens his mouth to speak but his voice is off. Its not low like a man's should be. It's high and squeaky which confuses me even more.

"For the love of all things tasty. Harry! get up before Liam comes or you're fucked and I dont want either of you to be in a pissy mood so GET UP!"

I bolt awake with a gasp as I feel a falling sensation taking over me before I become face first with the hard floor and then I realize it was just a dream.

"Wayhey finally!" The annoying Irish voice says in amusement and I struggle to push myself up to narrow my eyes at him. My eyes land on his small cuts however and my face pales.

It wasn't a dream. We were in that accident. How...I can't remember how we got back? What day was it? How did we get back?

"Thanks Niall I couldn't have woken him up better myself." Louis says from the door way and my eyes fly to his, obviously he's beem there the whole time but stepping out of Niall's way and letting him do his business of getting me out of bed.

"No problem Louis!" Niall grins at Louis before sending me a final smirk before bounding out the door past him and making his way down the stairs where a grumpy Zayn was trudging down. Zayn was never a morning person.

Caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't see Louis move from the doorway and was now sitting on the side of my bed looking down at me with concern creasing his forehead.

"Are you alright Harry?" He questions me in amusement and slight worry. I get up from where I fell on the floor and look around me slightly, reaching a hand up to my head only to feel a small bandage around the sensitive area. I flinch slightly and Louis reaches a hand out to pull me over to him. I frown and look at him nervously.

"Don't touch it Haz, the doctor says you'll be like this for a few days but it will wear away. It's a minor concussion."

"W-What will wear away?" I ask with slightly wide eyes. Louis smiles at me sympathetically.

"The doctor says you will be a bit forgetful for a day or two while the swelling on your head goes down. It's ok Haz. You're fine." Louis soothes as he rubs a hand on my back in soothing circles and I frown down at him.

"I-I can't remember how we..when did we get back?" I ask fidgeting with my hands slightly.

"We actually got up yesterday morning. We were still in the woods at that stage. We all walked home and changed before I drives us to ER and got checked out. We stayed a bit longer because of your concussion. The doctor told us you needed to sleep it off and take these-" Louis reaches to the bottle of pills as well as a glass of water at my bedside locker I failed to notice. Louis shakes two into my hand and I sigh before shoving them into my mouth and taking the glass of water thankfully.

Alpha ✔️ Larry/Ziall Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now