Chapter 6: Protective I

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I hope you've stuck with me reading up to this, if you have please keep with me because there is going to be more to this story, I just want to get the next two chappys out of the way before things get interesting :D

Thank you and please comment on thoughts and what you think will happen ~E


A week had past by since we found out that Zayn and Louis were werewolves. A few days after Liam informed us with information about a werewolfs nature, we had all set off back into the woods for the first time since the accident with Louis and Zayn. It was going to be weird I can guarantee that, going back to the place where we all could've died instantly but remarkably we didn't for some unknown reason. I wondered if the wreckage was still there but it was most likely cleaned.

We came for one reason and for one reason only, for Zayn and Louis to try out their shifting ability.

They weren't aloud to change in the house anymore because Louis kept on shifting from human to wolf at random times when he was around us, mostly me; shedding his brown fur every time which Liam always ended up cleaning. Frowning furiously as he did.

Another time was when Zayn and Niall were fighting that Zayn almost broke Liam's favourite picture frame of all of them together as a band when they were in X-Factor.

That was the last straw with Liam, he had had enough.

"I've had enough! no more changing into werewolfs in the house! I'm sick and tired of cleaning up fur and broken glass. For now on, you change somewhere else. I don't care where it is just not in the house dammit!" Liam burst one day at everyone in the living room out of the blue, Louis sat with his newspaper as he quietly gaped up at Liam, me sitting on the floor as my back rests against Louis' knees. Niall and I were playing chess as Zayn sat in the love seat sipping at his ice tea. We all gaped at Liam's random outburst.

"Where do we change then without people spotting us and freaking out." Zayn questioned seriously, obviously thinking about it hard. The last time he changed was in front of the window where a bunch of kids were looking at a movie in there sitting room. One of them looked over at the same time when Zayn was changing and was mortified. They informed their parents the day after but their parents didn't listen and just passed it off as a nightmare or something, having watched a number of horror movies the night before. Oh how they were so wrong.

"Well-" Liam thought about it seriously then his eyes went wide when an idea popped into his head."How about the woods?"

So here we are I suppose, in the middle of the woods after being kicked out of the house by Liam. Currently watching as my two best mates change into werewolfs and run off play fighting with each other where they wouldn't be judged.

"Do you think we can change too?" Niall asks suddenly from beside me, curious. I turn to him with furrowed brows.

"I mean, we were all in the woods when it happened and it's not fair how they got this, this gift." Niall pouted as he looked on at the chocolate brown and jet black wolf roll around in the dirt.

I frown at him before turning back to the two wolves. He was right, we were all there and it doesn't make any sense how Zayn and Louis were given the power to turn into wolves and none of the rest of us were. Maybe we could but we just didn't know how to. Zayn changed when he got angry we figured and we joked with Louis, saying he changed when he felt love toward or from someone which he thought was ridiculous.

I figured though that it had something to do with the pumping and speed of their heart. When their heart rate increased to a certain number maybe that's when they changed but I didn't really know. I wasn't an expert on wolfology.

So maybe we can change, but we just have to try it out.

"Maybe we can but we just don't know it yet." I said passively, kicking a small stone away from my shoe. "I feel like it's more to do with your pulse though, when it gets to a certain spot that's when you change." Niall smiled widely at this.

"Lets try it out!" Niall exclaimed in glee before he suddenly started running off to the side of the woods where it began to grow steep, where the boulders were. He began to climb up rocks and bolders that were at least 10 metres off the ground. Trying to get some height between him and the ground below him.

"So if I jump off of this boulder right now then I can change into one-"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I scream up at him with wide eyes. "You could hurt yourself!" I didn't like this. Liam had picked up on my shouting from where he was with the other two. He quickly started motion with his hands to the others, trying to move their attention to Niall.

"I want to prove this theory." Niall shouted back down at me where he had climbed another meter. I started to bite my lip anxiously. Niall sent me a knowing look.

"We all know I'm afraid of heights.." He gulps as he stops and looks down at me from the far edge of the boulder. Probably wanting to rethink his idea but decides against it.

"So my heart is already beating really fast and if I jump, hopefully I'll get so scared that I'll turn into a wolf."

"This doesn't prove anything only that you're a suicidal but job! Get down from there! Better yet, let me help you down-"

"NIALL! get down from there! What are you doing?!" Liam cuts me off with his loud commanding voice, the worry seeping through his voice clear.

"I'll be fine Liam don't worry!" An oblivious and smiling Niall reassures him stepping to the edge of the boulder looking down. It was too high up no he knew it but this was the only way to get his heart pumping

"Niall.." This time Liam seemed to growl and I gasped at that. His eyes began to turn a very dark black with a gleam of yellow around the pupil that was frightening and devilish looking.

My thoughts however were cut short when Liam ran forward, whizzing by me as Nialls body fell through the air and was fastly approaching the ground.


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