Chapter 15: The nurse

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Emily shifted awkwardly from foot to foot looking down at the ground.It suddenly dawned on Louis, who was in front of her to step aside and let her in. She smiled at him thankfully before returning her gaze on the ground.

"Would you like something to drink?" Liam said heading to the kitchen. Emily was already in the living room sitting down on the couch. She turned her head quickly towards Liam.

"No no Liam it's fine, i'm sorry for just arriving at short notice....I had something I needed to tell all of you" She said looking at me for some reason like she had a guilty secret she wanted to share.

' Stop staring, your burning holes' I looked up at Louis and felt butterflies as he was looking at me with amusement. I didn't even know I was staring until Louis said so.

I gave him the finger when the others weren't looking and he smirked. Of course our play had to end when Emily started to speak.At this point Liam was back from the kitchen an we were all looking at her expectantly, lugage by the doorway.

"I haven't been completely honest with all of you for a while....I was, you could say giving information away that involved you...." Emily spoke, her voice growing smaller as she shifted her gaze back to the ground.I looked at the boys to see that they looked confused before Zayn pressed on.

"What information?" He asked seriously, looking a bit warry, Emily looked up at Zayn with glassy eyes. She was on the verge of tears. This left the boys even more confused especially me, I didn't know why she was getting upset.

"I didn't know i-i'm so sor-ry, I di-didn't mean tto get anyone i-in any ddanger," she sobbed. She wiped the tears away furiously and smiled a watery smile. After her sobbed stopped, they started to become light sniffles and then she started speaking again.

"He was so nice, I thought he liked me...but then the pieces started to fit together and I just realised he didn't want me...he wanted something else" She said. Her expression was once broken and guilty was now hard and angry. I thought that maybe this man had something to do with the test tube substance.

I walked over to where Emily was and sat down.I gave her a small smile before placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with such sorrow and guilt I felt bad. How could someone use her. I looked her in the eyes.

"Emily I want you to tell me about this man..what did he do?" I say sternly to her. In return she gives me a weak nod and takes in a shaky breath before speaking.

The boys were now sitting down and watching us intently. Louis and Liam were squished into an armchair as well as Niall and Zayn.

"Ok..when you left After the first time you guys came in, when Liam hurt his leg, A man appeared at the front desk looking for me,I didn't know who this guy was or why he was looking for me but he was so nice and sweet when I talked to him.We where talking for ages and I found out that his name was Nick but I had to get back to work and he said he'd see me later before kising me on the cheek. I was so happy...When you guys came in later when Harry hurt his ribs it was shortly after he came back with a bunch of flowers for me. I thought how in the world did this guy find me and actually like me."

She smiled down at the ground, her bottom lip started to quiver and it looked as though she was going to cry. Poor Emily.

I could tell this story was not going to be a happy ending. This guy seemed to good to be true but I didn't say that to her. She looked back up at us and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"But he asked me to do something that night,Something involing my work and patients. I didn't want to do it because if I was caught doing whatever it was i'd get fired but he kissed me. It was the best feeling in the world and I got butterflies. When he pulled away he said please and it was very important that I do this. I couldn't say no to him after he just kissed me so I said ok. He smiled at me and told me what to do"

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