Chapter 53: Werewolves Vs Hunters

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Harry's POV

I ran as fast as I could, tripping as I do but I didn't stop. I only got back up and ran harder, thinking and worrying that they would catch me. My breath coming in pants. I only finally stopped running when I couldn't run anymore and my legs caved in, sending me falling to the ground beside a large and old tree surrounded by other trees with golden leaves on them a few meters away.

I wanted to cry and scream but I also wanted to go back and get my friends. Save them and kill those fucking hunters but I know thats impossible. They can never die, they're like earwigs, they wriggle close to you to try to get to you but when you finally get away from them and try to kill them they just won't die and keep coming back.

How am I going to get to them? God knows what Andy and his team are doing to them. They could be dead by now!

Tears begin to form in my eyes as the thought of all of them, the people I care about on the ground with arrows stuck in their chests, blood pouring out of them with their eyes opened looking fearful and dead.

I bring my hands up and pull at the ends of my hair tightly, the pain making me shut my eyes tightly as I try not to scream.

Then I think why I should keep it inside me? Stop myself from screaming? It won't make matters better or worse, it will just give me a sense of reassurance if I do scream. I might even feel better after it, I hope.

I grit my teeth tightly, looking down at the ground as my eyes narrowed and my breathing started to increase.

I could feel something stir in the pit of my stomach before working it's way upwards into my chest and just when it got into my throat I opened my mouth and screamed.

I could feel the ground beneath me shake as I screamed and a sharp and icy wind blow by me, tossing my hair to the side and the bushes and trees swaying with it's force.

What really scared me though was the sound I was making.

It wasn't a high pitched or painful and angry scream.

It was low. It was loud and it was powerful but it wasn't a scream.

It was a roar.

When I had stopped roaring, I almost fell back with the strength of it and looked up at the trees, panting.

The golden leaves that had been on the trees littered the ground, making it look a golden color instead of green.

My mouth opened in shock but I quickly shut it, wiping the corners of my eyes as I look down.

This isn't real! How- I couldn't have done that! There must be a storm coming soon, yeah that's it! A storm...

While I was busy rambling to myself on all the possibilities there could've been to cause this sort of thing, I didn't realize that the leaves on the ground had begun to shake and move slightly.

Drawing closer to me.

When I felt something stick to the back of my palm I frowned and looked at it. there was a golden leaf stuck to it.

I slowly peel it off and threw it to the side but another made it's way onto my arm and another on my shoe.

"What?" I whisper frowning as I look down at the leaves.

More leaves begin to stick and draw to me and I stand up pulling them off of me. I begin to panic when I start to become covered in golden leaves around my body.

I don't expect what's coming next and I cry out as a rather large golden leaf sticks to my face, making it hard to breath as I try to pry it off. Other leaves stick to me from behind in the process.

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