Chapter 51: The Killing

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That night when everyone arrived back to the cottage, panting messes. They lock the doors and pull the curtains in every room before having one of their meetings at the dining room table.

This time is different because Luke is new to this and is a bit confused but Niall is first to assure him of how these things work.

They talk about what happened earlier, how that can never happen again and how Luke shouldn't have done what he did. By this meaning throwing that knife at Andy's head which the boys still don't know how he got it in the first place.

"What did Andy mean by 'not yet' when Eleanor said she wanted to kill us?" Niall asked, leaning forward in his chair and placing his hand under his chin in a thoughtful motion as he props himself up on his elbows.

"He could've meant a lot Of things Niall. He could've meant soon that it wasn't the right time or he could've Been dragging the killing either way" Perrie responds, her eyebrows furrowed as she gazes at the fruit bowl in the middle of the table in awe.

"Well if Andy is going to kill us, we better be prepared when they do strike don't you think?"

"What do you mean by prepared?"

I sigh, getting up from
My chair and looking at Josh.

"I mean, we have to be smart, we can't just let them attack us and not defend ourselves. We have to be smarter than them and play them at their own game." I explain but Louis and Liam object to this, shaking their heads.

"No way. If your implying that we fight them then no way Harry. I don't want anyone getting hurt and definitely not you" Louis states seriously.

"Who says anyone will get hurt?"

"Harry your talking about fighting hunters at an unfair game! not to mention they have an advantage with weaponry." Liam responds snappily and I look down at the table, biting my lip before looking back up at Liam, narrowing my eyes.

"What other choice is there Liam? this is clearly what they want and it seems they won't stop till they get it. If they want to fight, we can't sit by and let them wipe us out! we have to do something!"

Louis stands up.

"No!...We do nothing. The only thing we have to do now is get the book to the book keeper safely. Avoid all fighting whatsoever" Louis states, silencing the room.

"Well that's going to be a problem" I remark coldly before walking out of the room. Ignoring Louis' calls from behind me as I run up the stairs to my room, shutting the door behind me and leaning against it. I let my body slide down the door until my bottom reaches the ground and I pinch the bridge of my nose, furrowing my brow.

They won't listen! they never listen! why can't they actually listen and see that were not safe anymore. Anywhere we go, were in danger!

I feel around my neck for my paper plane necklace and when I do I relax.

A few minutes pass by and that relaxation feeling is slowly leaving me and a frustrated and angry feeling fills instead.

I eventually let out a scream, ripping my necklace off and flinging it across the room where it hits the wall facing me before falling onto my bed.

I breath heavily as I stare at it, tears brimming my eyes before curling up in a small ball beside the door, crying myself into a slumber.

I didn't hear light footsteps before knocking on my door and I didn't feel the door beside me slowly opening, nor Louis' head pop in the doorway and look down when he feels something hard softly push against the door.

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