Chapter 25: The windy howl

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Harry's P.O.V


After Leon had left, We all started walking again to the witches house. Niall still hasn't spoken to me, instead  he and Ed have been having a conversation the whole time. It was really getting on my nerves and the fact that he kept on sending me looks made my blood boil.I knew that he didn't want to talk to me and he talked to Ed so he could avoid me.

It hurt to see that one of my best friends was avoiding me. I didn't like the feeling at all.

I turn to Louis.

"Louis?" Louis turns to me and smiles.

"I'm going to talk to Niall" Louis' face drops at that before he lets out a distraught sigh and looks at me seriously. I only look at him confused before he starts to speak.

"Harry..just be careful ok? the whole witch thing might not agree with Niall. He cares about you Harry. We all do, We might not show it sometimes but we do care. We really do. All i'm saying is that you know Niall and how he takes situations like this. He gets scared Harry and very protective. So be careful."

Louis finished with a soft smile before jogging over to Ed and asking him something. I watched as Nialls face dropped when the other two walked away from Niall.

This is my chance I thought quickly walking over to Niall who had his hands in his jeans pocket and walked bored along the pathway.

"Hey" I said from behind him making him stop and turn around. His face showed no emotion what so ever and my heart dropped. This isn't Niall. What happened to the happiest kid in the world?

He continued to look at me for several moments before turning around and mumbling a small "Hello".

The mumble was barely audible I was lucky I heard it or it would have been more awkward than it already is.

He starts to walk faster, most likely away from me but I couldn't let that happen.

I run and pass him so I'm in front of him then quickly turn around and stop. The movement makes Niall stop in surprise but his face turns cold when he locks eyes with me. I swallow hard.

"Get out of my way Harry" Niall says through gritted teeth as his face is right up in mine. My eyes narrow at his demand.

"No. I need to talk to you" I say my voice soft which makes Niall laugh.

I didn't like that laugh. It was loud and hoarsey that made my skin crawl and it wasn't Niall...

"You want to talk to me? really Harry what could you possibly have to talk to about with me! huh? ENLIGHTEN ME HARRY!"

Louis and Ed look over to us worriedly, wondering if they should step in or not.

I flinch at Nialls outburst and  step away for a second before looking at him again but this time my eyes widened in horror at what I saw in front of me.

Niall was staring at me like he was going to kill me and was supposedly panting loudly but sounded more like low growls eacaping his mouth. His body was tense and frigid and he looked like he could change any minute.

The worst thing thought was his eyes.

They were a flashing blue that turned to luminous green then a bright yellow before finally landing on Red. This cycle repeated itself a few times and I honestly was beginning to get frightened by this.

Niall was so mad at me. but for what!? I didn't do anything! if it is about the whole witch thing he has no right to tell me what to do.

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