Chapter 55: The Bookkeeper

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Louis' POV

"Louis let us come with you, we can help!" Perrie tries to reason as I head out the door passing a confused Niall and Zayn.

"No Perrie, this is something I have to do on my own. I'll get him back and I'll do it all before dinner." I say to try to lighten the mood.
Perrie doesn't respond to that, merely because I think she doesn't know how to so she doesn't say anything and let's me off.

"Louis wait!" It's not Perrie this time, it's Luke who calls. I turn around to see him running up to me with something in his hand.

"Here." He says, handing me Harry's paper plane necklace.

I look down at the necklace and have to bite back the tears as I nod at him.

"Thanks." I whisper before looking up to him. Luke smiles at me nervously and places a strong hand on my shoulder as he looks at me seriously.

"Be careful Louis."

We hold each other's gazes for several moments before I nod in understanding. Luke takes his hand off my shoulder and gives me another smile, wishing me good luck before walking back to Perrie and Ed who were at the front door watching me.

I give them a lob-sided smile before turning my head and carrying on towards the woods in front of me. With a deep breath, I only wonder how I'm going to kill Andy or if I'll even kill him at all. Would I even be strong enough to kill him? what if he kills me first?

My face turns sour at the thoughts. He won't kill me first. I won't let him get that chance. I won't put Harry through that.

Once I'm a few feet away from the cottage I stop, taking the paper plane necklace and bringing it up to my nose.

Of course most of the scent on there was mine but I knew if I fiddled with the necklace, turning it around I'd get a spot where Harry's scent may still be on it, even if it's faint.

I manage to pick up a small scent from the necklace but it's all I need as I start my searching, so with that in mind and Harry's scent on my nose, I begin to sniff the air, hopeful to find a trail that will point me in the right direction towards my boyfriend.

*1 hour later

With a groan I sink down onto a nearby boulder, exhausted and annoyed.

It was useless.

No matter where I went, I would find a trail but then lose it just when Harry's scent was becoming strong and I'd have to go back to where I started from and look for the scent again.

I run a hand along my face, rubbing it in desperation.

'Harry where are you?' I think to myself. Not realizing that I have practically solved my own question.

Realization dawns on me soon after and I mentally slap myself for not thinking of it sooner.

My eyes widen and I waste no time as I push away from the bolder and begin walking ahead, turning my gaze in every direction as I call his name in my mind through our mind link.

'Harry! where are you?!'


Harry's POV

I was currently slumped against a cold stone wall that appeared to be from a cave. Blood littered my face and body as well as sweat and bruises. It took all the strength I had to keep my eyes open from falling asleep because I knew that if I happened to let myself fall asleep, I would never wake up.

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