Chapter 6 (The Mall)

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"What was that all about?" Cara asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" I said quickly.

"Oh really? Then why did you peep on that guy? Huh?" Jade asked me. "I gotta say, you have a hot dorm mate." She added.

"Okay fine! I wanna peep on that guy just because he is a jerk! And he is not hot!!" She raised one of her eyebrows at me, "Okay, maybe he is a bit hot, but he is still a jerk!"

"And why is that so?" Cara asked. She is the kindest among the three of us. She doesn't like to use bad words or hurt anyone. Sometimes, I feel like slapping her face because she is too kind. So I told them the whole story and their eyes grew big.

"So your life basically changed from normal to so... I don't know what to say!" Cara said

"Is he huge?" Jade asked the same time as Cara.

"Are you guys seriously going to ask that question?" I squinted my eyes while straighten my lips like this emoji. -_-

"Just curious!" Jade threw her hands up sign of surrender.

"Guys can we go to the mall please?" Cara rolled her eyes .

"Yes! Please??" I asked Jade since she is the one who will be driving.

So, the ride to the mall was filled with us singing terribly until the other cars honked us.

When we reached the mall, the first thing we did was run towards the Starbucks and ordered our drinks. One of the reasons I like Starbucks is that you can smell the inviting aroma of coffee once stepped into the store. It smells like freshly ground heaven.

After we got our drinks, we decided to take some selfies."Done" said Jade while posting it in Facebook with the caption "Having sooo much fun with the squad. ;) (Winky face)" Using my account. "That will show how happy you are without him."

I rolled my eyes at them and said “Please! Guys, don't talk about him!"

“Yas Ma'am" Both of them saluted me like soldiers.

And soon we were window shopping. At least that's what I thought.

Jade and Cara were getting excited when they saw a big yellow sticker with 40% off on it, sticking on the showcase at Forever 21. I was not. I never liked shopping.

First of all, I don't have enough money and second, they don't sell anything I like. Jade and Cara were both rich. So they bought a lot of clothes after yanking me into the store.

I was standing at a corner, arms folded across my chest and tapping my feet.

"Aren't you gonna buy anything? Its 40% off!!" Asked Cara, confused.

"Nah! Its okay."

"Oh come on Saph, just pick anything , its on me, as for your birthday present".

"Yeah, me too, me too!!" Jade joined us.

They both made me look at some clothes and some of it was actually cute and pretty. At last, I chose 2 crop tops and a pretty dress. It was light blue, adorned with lace that ended above my knees and had a cute little white belt around the waist of it.

"That's it! No more spending money for me guys!"

"But that was on Cara, now its my turn." Pouted Jade."Let's go shoe shopping next" Cara clapped her hands and looped her hand into mine.

When we finally reached the shoe store, something caught my eyes. I speed walked to it. It was a cute pair of boots. It was black in colour with some small fluffy pom pom balls and a zipper at the back of it. I looked at the price tag and my eye balls nearly fell out their sockets. It was so expensive. I felt bad to use my friends' money so I didn't pick anything.

When they finished paying for their shoes,we went to the game room. It was my turn. I still had a bit money left. "It's on me now".

We spent hours and hours playing all kind of games. When we finally got tired, I shouted "Last one to the bench is a rotten egg!" and ran . I ran so fast until I bumped into a pair of familiar brown eyes. He grabbed my shoulders when I tumbled back. Mr Hot Jerk!

"Careful there love. You are a clumsy one aren't you?" he smirked and winked at me. I raised an eyebrow at him and said  "I'm not clumsy, you are clumsy!"

"I'm clumsy? You-" he got cut by Jade.

"Look Mr British, no one's clumsy here!" I smirked and said "Yup, Mr British, no one is clumsy!" I jutted my tongue out like a 5 year old.

"Are you 5?" Mr British asked, annoyed.

"Yes, I am 5 at heart!"

"Seriously?" He showed his bored face then at the same time Cara and Jade screamed "Sapphire is a rotten egg!"

I just rolled my eyes at him and walk away.

"Hope to see you again Miss Clumsy!" Mr British said.

"I think if I see you again I'll die by me jumping off a cliff. P.S I am so not a clumsy girl!"

"Yes, you are!"

I just jut my tongue out and walked away from the Jerk.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

There are some grammar mistakes.

Will improve soon!!

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