Chapter 11 (Mom)

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When I woke up, I was on my bed and a blanket was wrapped around me. Sebastian is a nice person when he wanted to be. I looked at the time on my phone and it said 7.30 am. There were a few messages and missed calls I hadn't open yet. So I went through all of it and most of them were birthday wishes from my friends and a missed call from my mom .

Mom.The thought of her made me think of the little moments we had when I was younger. When my dad left her for another woman , it broke me to see her crying and staying in her room most of the time . I was sad too . After a few weeks , she grew stronger. She would always find a way to make me smile .

I miss her so much. I guess I was too busy to even give her a call. I missed her cooking , her singing and her jokes everything.

I dialed her number and after a few rings, she picked up. "Hello ? Saph is that you? "

"Hey mom. Yeah its me." I smiled at hearing her voice."How are you?"

"Oh! I missed your voice so much. I'm great. Happy Birthday honey!"

"Me too! Thanks mom. I wish I could come back and celebrate it together like old times. But its a school day." I felt sad a little.

"Its ok, honey! Maybe you could come back when you're free. How are Cara and Jade doing?"She still remembers them . Back then, my best friends would always come to my house and we would play.My mom would always tell me how lucky I was to have them in my life .

"They're doing great! Mom, I have something to tell you." I think my mom should know this.
"What is it honey?"

"Drake and I broke up " there was a second of silence before she said..

"Oh god ! What happened?" There was a pitch of concern in her voice.

"Uh .. he cheated on me twice but I'm over him now." My heartbeat started to speed up when I thought about my pass.

"I'm glad to hear that you've moved on . He doesn't deserve you!"

"Yeah ! Me too. Mom ! How is your life going on ?" I said trying to change the topic.

"Well, I met this guy. He is a doctor in a hospital nearby. He is really sweet and funny. We just went on a couple of dates. I'd love for you to meet him." I could tell that she was blushing when she talked about him.

"Wow mom ! I would love to meet him too" I'm so happy for her.

"Okay honey! Got to go. Need to put smiles on my customers faces. Love you ! Bye".My mom works as a barista in a coffee shop.She works really hard .

"Love you to-" she ended the call.I sighed and shook my head.
Wow, that felt good. I would really love to visit her and meet this mystery guy of hers.

I threw the blanket to a side and did some stretching.Then,I took my clothes out of the closet and went in the bathroom. I locked the doors and did all the necesities.Something was missing ..then it hit me . There were no knocks on that door. That's strange, Sebastian normally annoys the crap out of me.Maybe he woke up early and went out with his friends to celebrate his birthday.

I put my clothes on and opened his bathroom door to find an empty room with his scent on.I really liked the smell of his scent.I quickly sniffed it in my lungs and closed the door. I ran to my room and closed my bathroom door .

Yesterday, he said something about him and his gang. Was he really in a gang. I mean, he has the bad boy look but he can't be . Right? I pushed all the thoughts away and headed to college a.k.a hell.

I went to my first class and it was quite exciting. We had to take the baby out of a pregnant woman doll.

After the bell rang, I cleaned my place and headed to my next class which was two blocks away.
It was quite far.

As I was walking to my class, two pairs of hands suddenly hugged me from behind. I gasped at the sudden action. They shouted happy birthday at my ears and hugged me tighter. Then I knew who they were.

"C-n't Brea-h".As soon as they heard me suffering to grasp air, they let me go. I turned around and smiled at them. "Thanks guys". Cara and Jade have the same class as me. So we talked our way to the second block.

Suddenly, I heard a gun shot. I jumped a little at the sudden sound. We stepped closer to each other and searched the direction it was coming from.

It was coming from the small alleyway outside the fence of the block. We hid behind a big pole. My heart was pounding like crazy.

Four figures in all black clothing had a gun for each and they were chasing after a man with a grey jacket into the alleyway.Two of them had blonde hair peeking out from their hood. One of them had a beanie over his brown hair and the last one had black hair .

The brown hair was so familiar. His body frame was so familiar and the way he was walking/running was so familiar. If I could just see his face than I would know who he was.

Jade and Cara pulled my arms and we started to run to our class when the four of them were hidden by a huge wall.

The rest of the day we were quite and didn't speak to each other. Too confused and scared.My mind kept replaying the scene over and over again until I reached my dorm. I opened the door and a card was on my bed. It was a birthday card from Sebastian.

Oh yeah! His birthday was today and I haven't wished him yet . So I went through the bathroom door to his dorm. He was lying on his bed watching tv . He simply smiled at me when I stepped in his dorm.

"Hey! Thanks for the card. And Happy Birthday Seb!" I said smilling at him.

"Your welcome and thanks." He just nodded .He sit up straight and patted the space beside him for me to sit. I sat at the end of the bed and we started to talk.We talked about the basic topics like favourite colour, favourite band etc.

After what seemed like thirty minutes, I was getting sleepy.
"Uhm ..I think I should go back to my room."

"Sleepy already?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. It was nice talking to you, good night" I stood up and started towards the door when I tripped over a bag. It was all black clothes and when I squated down to pick it up ,he ran to me and stopped me .

"Stop! Ill pick it up myself ... Just... leave" he said it in a harsh tone.

"I-im sorry , I didn't see the bag " I was begining to be scared of him.

"Just Leave!!" He shouted while looking at the floor.I ran in the bathroom , closed his door and ran to my room .I quickly went to bed and covered my face with the blanket. And soon I was fast  asleep.


So here is the 11th Chapter.

There are lots of grammar mistakes .

But hope you enjoyed it.

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Have a nice day. :)

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