Chapter 8 (The Surprise)

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I woke up to a loud snoring sound.

I think its Jade. She was snoring right on my face. I could smell her nasty morning breath.

It took me a few minutes to be able to see from the sunlight shining through the curtains and directly on my face. I looked around and saw that we were sleeping on the floor. I was lying on top of Cara and Jade on top of me . I guess, we must have fallen asleep during the movie yesterday but I have no idea if how we ended up sleeping on top of each other. We practically look like a sandwich.

The thought if sandwich made my tummy grumble. I have got to get out of this mess.

Then, Jade rolled to her left and fell on the floor with a loud thump.She continues sleeping. Man, this girl is a heavy sleeper. I think she wouldn't even notice if world war III was happening right outside.

I quickly got up of Cara and turned off the tv . I checked the time and it was 12 in the afternoon. I put down my phone on the dressing table and opened my closet. I took out my clothes and a towel and walked into the bathroom.I locked the door and saw my reflection on the mirror.Damn ! I look horrible. I tied my hair into a messy bun and started to open my clothes.

In the middle if the process, I remembered that I haven't lock the other door. I hopped to the door because my shorts were stuck on my shins and I was so close to locking the door until I lost my balance and fell. Face first.

"Ughh!! What is it with my face today!First Jade,then the sunlight, now the floor?! What next? A pole?" I groaned and rubbed my face. Then I quickly reached to the door and locked it.

It took me about 5 minutes to adjust the water to perfect temperature. I hopped in the shower place and the water made my tensed body into soothing. And soon I began to sing.

I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody,
I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me"

I did a little dance to it too.

Someone knocked the door and said "I can dance with you, love. If only you could just unlock this door" in a thick accent.

I blushed and replied "NO! I mean no, its okay . Im cool with dancing alone." I washed off the soap on my body and turned off the water.

I heard him chuckle and said "Hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the daft bird yesterday." I could imagine him smiling right now.

I dried myself up and wore my clothes."You're welcome! And you owe me one" I said while unlocking his door. I turned back  without looking at him and walked across the bathroom to unlock my door.

"Why the hurry?" He said while stepping into the bathroom.

My tummy grumbled again. I looked at him and asked "Did that answer your question?"

He smirked and nodded. "See you next time hungry pants"

"Damn Sebastian!Back at it again with the stupid nicknames" I rolled my eyes at him. I walked into my room and closed the bathroom door. I heard him chuckle again.

When I looked at my idiot friends, they were looking at me too. Actually, staring at me. "What?"

They had a similar grin on their face . "Nothing.Just overheard the conversation"

"Whatever. Im just gonna get something to eat . Want something?"

"Yeah! Just get us whatever you get have."

"Okay. Bye" I took my purse, walked out my dorm and closed the door.

It took about 30 minutes just to get back to my dorm with food. 5 minute journey to and fro each, 5 minutes to wait for coffee, 5 minutes to clean my shirt when some idiot pushed the coffee cup and 10 minutes for coffee again and food.

When I opened the door, I saw Jade blowing a balloon. It slipped under her grip and flew everywhere while making a fart sound. It flew towards me and landed on my head.

"Surprise!!" They both yelled at the same time . The room was decorated with balloons and ribbons. The music was so loud. I ran inside and turned down the volume.

"What the hell is happening here? " I was getting pissed a little.

"Happy Birthday Saph" they said it with wide grins.

"Its my birthday? What day is it?" I raised an eyebrow at them.

"Duh,its your birthday" Cara said with a are-you-stupid look.

"I mean the date. What's the date today?"

"Oh,its April 3rd" Jade answered.

"My birthday is on 4th, guys!"

"We know. But since tomorrow is Monday, we wont get much time to celebrate. So, happy advanced birthday!!" They both hugged me.

"Now could you turn up the volume please,  its my jam" Jade said while doing one of her dance moves.

"How did you guys get ready so fast?"I asked . Maybe something like a fairy godmother helped them. Who knows.

"Shh! Its a secret" Cara gave me a toothy smile." Let's get this party started people" she clapped her hands.

"Wait! Did you invited anyone else ?" I asked curiously.

"Nope! Just the two of us plus you. Unless you want to invite someone else, like your dormmate."

"Nah, its ok . He probably got a busy day ahead."

"Okay'!Lets eat, im starving"

"Me too" Jade said.

So we ate our brunch while listening to some music."Oh, we made a reservation at Mambo Jambo's for dinner tonight." My jaw just dropped .

"What!? It's like the most expensive and popular restaurant in town!!"

"We know. Just wanted to do something special for our best friend" They both simply smiled at me.

"Guys! Seriously, stop spending money on me"My eyebrows are beginning to scrunch a little.

"Oh come on! Don't be a party pooper ! We'll talk about that later. Okay ?" "Its time to open the presents!! Here you go, open mine first.

So I opened Cara's present and it was the clothes I chose yesterday." Not that, silly! You already know that! There is a box inside the bag , open that! I turned the bag upside and a small box fell out. then , i opened it and it was a bracelet . It was laced with blue stones. It was beautiful.

"Now open mine!" Jade said while shoving her present at me. It was a shoe box. I opened it . It was a pair of boots that caught my eyes yesterday. How did she know that I like these boots ??

"Thank you guys sooo much . I love you guys a lot but you shouldn't spen-" my sentence was cut by them."Shut up!!"

"Now , dance with me Saph" and soon we were dancing like goons.


Mambo Jambo's !! lol 

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