Someone, Somewhere - Chapter 11

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(Pic on the side is Ally Reed. SO PRETTY. ------->)



Chapter. 11

 H O L L Y

 "Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit," My dad hissed from the kitchen as the smoke detector went off. Sighing deeply, I quickly made my way into the kitchen were my dad was trying to fan the detector with his oven mitts. Leaning against the door, I just shook my head at him as I smirked.

 "Really?" I muttered. "Again?"

 "Look, I don't know why this keeps happening," My dad frowned, the smoke detector finally shutting up. "I'm not doing anything wrong."

 "Dad," I whined, walking over to the stove. As soon as I opened it, a bunch of smoke flew in my face and I began choking as my dad pushed me out of the way.

 "Crap, Holly, be careful!" He gasped, taking the tray of cookies out with his oven mitts on. My wearing floral oven mitts, and a white apron. My dad. Oh my god, what is life?

 "Don't tell me you burnt them," I scowled, watching as my dad quickly placed the heated tray on top of the stove, waving the excess smoke away as he looked at them. Raising an eyebrow, he shrugged.

 "They look alright," he told me, sighing in relief. "Thank God. This is probably my seventh attempt today."

 I frowned a little as I looked at him, folding my arms across my chest. I don't know, but I feel like my dad's sort of 'losing it' if you know what I mean. Seriously? When has the guy ever had an interest in baking? Nevermind that, but what about all the girly cooking assets he has now?

 "Dad..." I said, narrowing my eyes suspiciously. "Is there like, something going on?"

 "Huh?" My dad looked up at me in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed. I stood there, looking at him while I waited for him to answer me, but he just stood there looking at me like he had no clue what I was talking about.

 "Daddy," I said, a little worried. "What's this?" I gestured to his apron and oven mitts. "Seriously? You hate baking."

 "Don't be silly, I love baking."

 My eyes bulged out of my head as I took in what he just said. Don't be silly. DON'T BE SILLY. MY DAD NEVER SAYS THAT.

 "Who the hell are you, and what have you done to my dad?" I demanded, looking at the cookies. "I'm not kidding."

 "Holly," My dad sighed, sliding the mitts off before putting them on the counter. "I just picked up the hobby, that's all. Besides..." He choked at the end, not wanting to finish what he was going to say. 

 Although I'm not stupid. I know he was going to mention Mom.

 "Are you trying to become Mom?" I suddenly blurted out, covering my mouth immediately after the words came out. My dad's eyes widened at me, and he shook his head.

 "No, Holly. That's crazy. I'm just..." He trailed off, frowning.


 "I'm trying to learn some of the things she was....really good at. That's all."

 "You're sure?" I asked, slightly relieved. "You're not like, secretly gay or something like that?"


 "Sorry, Dad," I smiled sweetly at him before picking up a cookie and taking a bite. I flinched when I bit down on the hard surface, and looked at my dad.

 "They suck, don't they?" He asked. I nodded, but still ate the cookie anyway.

 "Not bad. You'll get better eventually."

 My dad smiled at me, and I suddenly felt bad for having all these crazy assumptions about him before. Sighing, I turned around and went upstairs to my room, planning on trying to get some Math homework done so my teacher doesn't murder me.

 Taking out my textbook, I flipped through it until I got to the assigned page. Page 314. I blinked, scanning the page, and as soon as I spotted the questions I had to finish I quickly shut the textbook and shoved it right into my bag. Where it belongs.

 "Fuck that," I mumbled to myself.  "Good prank, good prank."

 I'm totally flunking math, I know it. When we get out progress reports tomorrow, I probably won't be surprised. But then there's my dad I have to worry about. Shit.

 I checked my phone for the time. 9:15pm. I also noticed three texts from Ally, and I smirked, bracing myself before opening them.

 Ally: bitch i got ketchup in ma hur

 Ally: i hate lavery holy shit kill him for me plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz

 Ally: i'm gonna pick you up 20mins earlier tomorrow so we can head over to starby's and get some breakfast. you in?

 Smiling, I texted her back saying I was down for it, and she told me (more like threatened) to be ready at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Sighing, I realized that I ain't ever going to be up that early, so I might as well go to bed now.

 After showering, brushing my teeth, taking my makeup off and changing into my whore PJ's, I crawled into bed actually feeling exhausted. I quickly set my alarm, and plugged my Iphone into the charger before I rolled over and drifted off to sleep.

 Mine and Ally's 'bet' starts tomorrow. Oh great.


 I'm really sorry if it's boring, blagh. This is why I wanted to put it on hold, so i could think a little more. But then I realized....even if I had a million years to 'think'...the story would probably still end up the same to be honest. Besides, this isn't exactly a 'professional' story to begin with. Honestly The Lavery Twins stories are random, and people like them so I ended up continuing the series. 

 Whatever. It's just a random wattpad story, nothing major. *shrugs*. HOPEFULLY IT GETS BETTER DOOOOE.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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