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She wakes up groggily, hearing a loud steady beep in the back round. She opens her eyes but the lights are so bright. She keeps them hald closed and look at the blurry gray world through her thick eyelashes. She's in a bed. It's not their bed. She open her eyes the rest of the way and lets them adjust. She tries to sit up but a pain shoots through her ribs and she lays back down quickly, grasping at her ribs, and panting for air.

As soon as she gaps, the room is full. People surround her in pastel clothes. They're all touching and probing her. She doesn't understand. She only hears the constant beep. They're all looking at her intently. She hears something else. A low rumble. Like thunder

She realizes, one of the larger men in the group is trying to talk to her. His she cant make out what he's saying, but it's slowly getting louder. She hears the same muffled sound over and over again until she can understand one word. As soon as she processes the word, her face crumples and she brings her hands to her ears.

Theres a peircing sound, that she could've swore made her ears bleed. She screams, she wants the noise to stop. She pushed her hands against them harder and screams again. The pain is more than she has experienced in a long time. She keeps screaming until it begins to fade. All the people have left except the man with the deep voice. 

He talks to her slowly, repeating it over and over again. Slowly she removes her hands as she can begin to understand him. Her vision and hearing clear suddenly and she can see him and understand everyword. 

"Katherine, are you okay?"

He asks again and she nods slowly. 

"Can you hear me?"

She nods again

"Can you see me?"

She nods once more.

"Good, you had quite the accident."

He states and checks her vitals.

"W-What happened?"

He looks at her and bushes some hair out of her eyes. 

"Don't worry about ir right now. Focus on getting better."

She nods and feels her self slipping again.


This time she wakes up, faster, no pain this time. She feels movement to her right. A woman, big beautiful, blonde hair spills out over her bed. She smiles and croaks "M-Mom?"

The head jerks up and shows her clear blue eyes. How she has changed. Missy has tears running down her cheeks and she smiles "Hi baby. How are you doing?" She asks and pets Katts hair softly. Katt flinches away from the touch, making Missy cry harder. 

"Im so sorry for leaving you, for not being the mother I should've. This is all my fault. I could've stopped this." She cries more and Katt clears her throat "You need to stop." She states simply. Missys eyes go wide in shock "W-What? But I-"

Katt cuts her off with a quick hand motion, pain shooting up her arm but she doesn't let it show. "There are more important things then listening to you cry. I need to know. What happened, wheres Melony, and wheres X?"

Missy nods and begins telling her it all.

After her dad hit her with the car, he put her in the trunk. He drove home quickly only to find himself surrounded by cops. Melony was being loaded into an ambulance,malnutrition and an infection in her foot. Missy stood at the door crying, talking to a cop and telling them the details Melony shared before they took her away. They arrested Richard and searched his car. They found her bloody and scratched in the back.

They rushed her to the hospital. She has 3 broken ribs, an overextended shoulder, and several deep gashes from the glass that required stitching. 

Melony was in the room next to hers, Missy taking turns going back and forth.

Xeyem went to jail for 30 days. He had a restraining order placed on his stating he cant be in the same state as Richard or the girls, for their safety. It couldn't be removed and would be valid for 2 more years.

Katt nodded when she was finished. She slowly began to fall asleep when there was a knock on the door. Her eyes shot open in fear, but then she relaxed when she saw it was Detective Weiser. "Hey Katherine, how are you doing?" He asked in a soft voice, stepping into the room behind her mother.

She gave a weak smile "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" She laughed humorlessly and he smiles slightly. He sat on the end of her bed and looked at her. "I know this is early, but we need to know everything. I know you gave me the quick version back at the station, but we need.." He swallowed and said the next part through his teeth "Every detail."

Missy protested, not wanting her child to go through it all again, even if she wasn't in the hospital. Katt shut her mother up with a quick jester. "Don't act like you have done any good for me as a mother so far now Missy. I will tell you everything detective." Missy began to cry and moved to a chair in the corner of the room. 

The detective held her hand as she retold every detail she remembered. She didn't cry at the end this time. Only nodded to him and told him she needed rest. 

Slowly she closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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