Chapter Nine

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I felt sick. All this new information poured into my mind by this Caitlin and Cisco couple was making my head spin. Either that or I'd been standing up for too long; ironically, I'm still adjusting to my new hight, which really sucks -- after everything I'd been though these past few hours, you'd expect gravity would be the least of my problems. 

I pushed open the large wooden door of the Davenport mansion and eased my way over to the couch. Thankfully this part of the house was quiet. I slumped onto the couch and closed my eyes, breathing slowly. 
My moment of relaxation didn't last for very long, as Bree suddenly sped into the room and threw me off the couch and into her embrace before I had any time to register what was going on. The speed in which she used to lift me off the couch made me feel as though I was being flung to the moon at two-hundred miles per hour. 

"Gavin!" She more-or-less screamed in my ear. "Where the hell have you been? We've all been so worried!" 

I tried to push her off but dizziness took hold of me. My vision was scattered with black dots and my head was pounding hard, making Bree seem as though she was screeching at me through a shield of water. 
I slowly lost balance, tumbling to the ground and hitting my head with a thud. I closed my eyes, wanting to make the pounding voices go away, but they remained, voices continuing to bubble behind my closed eyelids.  

I could feel myself rise off my uncomfortable position on the floor and could tell I was being carried somewhere, but was unsure about where I was going or who was carrying me. 

Eventually, darkness took hold of me, and I slowly nodded off into deep and painful sleep. 

I woke to find myself situated on a soft surface in a dark room. It took me a moment to realise that it was only dark because I still had my eyes closed. 

"Smartest man alive," I muttered to myself, squinting as I opened my eyes to find white light pouring into them, "really living up to that title". 

I let my eyes adjust before I sat up from the object I was previously lying on and began taking in my surroundings. 

I was on my bed, in my room. I was alright. 

I let out a sigh of relief and swung my legs over the side of my bed, relishing the feeling of the smooth, cold floor underneath my trembling feet. 

Silence - no family members bombarding me with questions and gestures of sympathy. Just peace and quiet. 

I slowly stood up, not wanting to get up too quickly in fear of passing out again, grasping onto the edge of my desk for support. I then noticed a pair of discarded headphones on the side of the table, and quickly grabbed them. I carefully inserted them into the correct hole in my phone and shoved them into my ears, not as carefully, and chose a song, sighing in comfort as I let the familiar words to an All Time Low song fill my head. 

I tiredly pulled out my desk chair and sat down on it, logging onto my laptop. I sat for a while, exhaling in frustration at how long it was taking for my home screen to load, and made a mental note to re-code my computer to readjust the loading time as soon as I was feeling up to it. 

As soon as my computer finally finished loading, I automatically opened up Google. 

My fingers flew across my keyboard like they had minds of their own, typing characters into the search bar before I even know what they were writing. Before I knew it, I was looking at a page of search results containing the key words Barry Allen.

I clicked on the first link and began scanning, what looked like, a news article. 

Last night, as of the eighteenth of March, two-thousand, Nora Allen was found lying dead in the middle of her living room with a stab wound to the heart. 

I continued reading, growing paler with horror as I let the origin story of Barry Allen enter my mind. 

All evidence about Nora Allen's murder points towards her husband, Henry Allen - a well know doctor who had previously been respected by all who knew him. Dr. Allen is now in incarceration at Iron Heights Prison for the murder of his wife. 

I read on, feeling a sense of Déjà vu every time I found out a new piece of information.

Bartholomew  "Barry" Allen, eleven year old son of  Henry and Nora Allen, was also present at the time of Nora Allen's death. Young Allen claimed to have seen his mother "trapped in streaks of red and yellow lightning, and a man in a yellow suit in the midst of the streaks". Police have dismissed Allen's allegation, claiming it to be "a young boy trying to free his father". Barry Allen is now in the foster care of Detective Joe West.

I bit my lip and ran my hand through my hair in thought before clicking on another link -- a missing persons report issued by the Central City Police Department. 

On the date of the twelfth of October, twenty-sixteen, Barry Allen, age twenty-five, was reported missing by members of his foster family, the Wests. 

I glanced over at the calendar on the side of my bed, looking sadly back at the article as I worked out how long he'd been missing. Exactly six months. 

He was last seen in his forensics lab at the CCPD by a numerous amount of his colleagues, before, as described by witnesses "suddenly vanishing in a blink of an eye". 
If anyone sees this man, profile down below, please contact the CCPD immediately. 
Reward will be offered. 

I sighed as I scrolled down the the photo, gazing into the eyes of a smiling man who looked just like I currently did. 
I swallowed hard and did another search. This time an article containing The Flash caught my eye. 

Two nights ago the Flash mysteriously vanished, leaving Central City wondering, "what exactly has happened to the scarlet speedster?"
After discussing the topic with members of the Central City Police Department who worked with the Flash, we have reason to believe that our hero has been taken hostage by a Metahuman who calls himself Doctor Demon. 

In wake of this, the citizens of Central City are all asking two questions: Will this Doctor Demon be coming for us? And, if so, who will protect us in the matter of the Flash's absence?

I slammed my computer lid down in frustration, a mix of emotions buzzing through me at this time.
I ran my fingers though my hair in thought before standing up and grabbing my coat off the floor with anger, and made my way out of the  house, not caring about whether anyone would notice if I was gone or not. 

It was time that I paid a certain Doctor a visit.  


So sorry about the late update guys! I'll try to be more prompt next week. 

Anyway, can I just say a huge thank you to you guys for something that has, quite honestly, blown my mind -- 20k reads on Captured!!!? Are you serious!? That is amazing, thank you all so, so much! 
Also, thanks for the 2k reads on this story. I know 2k isn't that much, but it still means a lot to me that this book is actually being read - which is awesome :) 

So, thanks so much for reading - I hope you enjoyed todays chapter. Please let me know what you want to happen next! 

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