Chapter Eleven

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Before heading off, I thought it was best to head home quickly to grab a couple of my belongings, one being my computer, and to tell my family that'd I'd be gone for a couple of days and that they shouldn't worry. It took a while to convince Mr Davenport to let me go, but eventually I was sat on the train and on my way to Central City. 

I decided to do a bit more research on the ride. Sitting at the back of the train, keeping my head down so that no one would recognise me as a missing person and call the police, I hacked onto the CCPD's records to learn a bit more about what I was diving head-first into. Thank God those trains were equipped with free wifi. 

Turns out I didn't actually need to hack onto the data base. Out of instinct, I quickly clicked the Staff Profile page, scrolling through the numerous amount of police related jobs in the department. I was just about to give up on that page when I recognised a cheerful face under the CSI section, which also happened to be the only name under that category. I mentally slapped myself, only just remembering that I'd read in his missing persons article that Barry worked at the police department. 

Bionic Superhuman, Metahuman, anthropologist, cellular biologist, computer scientist, nanotechnologist, and now forensic scientist. The list was never ending.

"Morning," a man, most probably in his late twenties, greeted me as he sat down in the seat next to me. 

I bit my lip and looked around at the various empty seats scattered around the train. Why, out of all of the seats he could've chosen from, did he choose the one next to me? 

I smiled in response before returning to my "research", hoping that the man wouldn't try to interact with me anymore. 

"Is that the CCPD database?!" The man asked. 

I sighed. Just my luck. "Um, yeah. It is actually". 

"What the hell do you think you're doing hacking into that? You do realise that it's illegal, you're gonna get arrested!" 

"I'm CSI at the CCPD". Not a total lie. "I've just finished working on a case and needed to submit my reports into the Head of Department, otherwise I'll get myself fired". 

I looked at the man and could see that he was still skeptical about it. I sighed. I was honestly not in the mood for this. 

I quickly clicked on Barry's profile and spun the computer around until the screen was facing the man so that he could compare my profile to the picture. 

He studied it for a while and nodded unsurely before sending me a smile.  

"So, what's this case you've been working on?" He asked brightly. 

"Strictly confidential". 

"C'mon, just a hint?" 

"My boss would kill me if I told anyone about any case" I joked half-heartedly, earning a laugh from the man. 

"Fair enough," he said, holding out his hand. "Michael Jones". 

"Barry Allen," I introduced myself, shaking his hand. I now had so many different aliases that I started to feel a bit like a spy. "Nice to meet you". 

"As to you". 

We sat in silence for a while, so I took this as a chance to have a search around the CCPD's database. I decided to find out a bit more about this Doctor Demon that Caitlin had mentioned earlier. Sadly, no results came up. 

"Your case about Doctor Demon?" Michael asked. 

God this guy was nosy. 

"Um, yeah," I replied, deciding to use this man's knowledge of the city to my advantage. "Do you know much about him?" 

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